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    Organized Medicine


    Recent changes by TMA have helped foster member engagement and address the needs of Texas physicians and patients. Among those changes, the TMA Board of Trustees and association staff have raised the bar on events and tailored them to be one-stop shops for member value. The House of Delegates has made the policymaking process more open and efficient. And through a strengthened AMA delegation, TMA leaders believe members can have an even stronger influence at the national level.
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    Texas Medicine

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  • Ready to Practice


    A lack of residency spots can have long-standing negative impacts on the medical careers of international medical graduates (IMGs) seeking to practice in the U.S. Some solutions, however, may be on the horizon to both reduce such barriers and to address physician shortages across the country. A handful of states, including Texas, and national entities, are examining means for IMGs to enter the American health care workforce via alternative pathways to practice.

    Read more in Texas Medicine.

    IMGs Assist Workforce Shortages  

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