Texas Medicine Magazine

A Publication of the Texas Medical Association  

Texas Medicine is available to TMA members and presents timely information on public health, medicolegal issues, medical economics, science, medical education, and legislative affairs affecting Texas physicians and their patients.


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The Organized Medicine Issue 

Meeting High Standards: TMA Board and association staff make a concerted effort to raise the bar on events and tailor them to be one-stop shops for member value 

Ask “Dr. ChatGPT”: Adviser Harvey Castro, MD, showcases what roles artificial intelligence will play on health care for physicians at TexMed

Going Viral: TexMed speaker "Dr. Glaucomflecken" recaps how medical comedy spread physician expertise and advocacy through his more than 4 million social media followers

Open House: Recent changes by TMA’s House of Delegates foster member engagement, address the needs of Texas physicians and patients

Texas’ Voice: Through a strengthened delegation, TMA leaders believe members can have an even stronger influence on the American Medical Association’s policy

Other news:

Profile - Lifelong Leadership: TMA bestows Distinguished Service Award to U.S. Rep. Michael Burgess, MD, for longtime advocacy as a physician legislator 

Education - Ready to Practice: International medical graduates face barriers to providing care despite being fully trained

Also in the issue:


Back Issues 
Information on Letters to the Editor 
Advertising Rates and Specifications in Texas Medicine 

E-mail comments to Amy Sorrel.

Index to Texas Medicine

Medical terminology is based on usage of MeSH, the National Library of Medicine's Medical Subject Headings, which are used in Index Medicus. If a term does not appear in MeSH, then the author's usage or common usage is preferred.

Each index consists of three parts: the subject index, the author index, and the index of deaths.

Texas Medicine, Volume 116, 2020

Subject, Author, Deaths

Texas Medicine, Volume 115, 2019

Subject, Author, Deaths

Texas Medicine, Volume 114, 2018

Subject, Author, Deaths  

Texas Medicine, Volume 113, 2017

Subject, Author, Deaths

Texas Medicine, Volume 112, 2016

Subject, Author, Deaths

Texas Medicine, Volume 111, 2015


Texas Medicine, Volume 110, 2014

Subject, Author, Deaths

Texas Medicine, Volume 109, 2013  


Texas Medicine, Volume 108, 2012  

Subject, Author, Deaths  

 Texas Medicine, Volume 107, 2011

 Subject, Author, Deaths

 Texas Medicine, Volume 106, 2010

 Subject, Author, Deaths  

 Texas Medicine, Volume 105, 2009

 Subject, Author, Deaths

 Texas Medicine, Volume 104, 2008

 Subject, Author, Deaths

 Texas Medicine, Volume 103, 2007

 Subject, Author, Deaths

 Texas Medicine, Volume 102, 2006

 Subject, Author, Deaths

 Texas Medicine, Volume 101, 2005

 Subject, Author, Deaths

 Texas Medicine, Volume 100, 2004

 Subject, Author, Deaths

 Texas Medicine, Volume 99, 2003

 Subject, Author, Deaths

 Texas Medicine, Volume 98, 2002

 Subject, Author, Deaths

 Texas Medicine, Volume 97, 2001

 Subject, Author, Deaths

 Texas Medicine, Volume 96, 2000

 Subject, Author, Deaths

Subscription Information

Texas Medical Association members – $20 per year
Nonmembers and institutions – $40 per year
Foreign – $48 US currency
Single copy – $4 plus $0.33 sales tax

To subscribe or check on the status of your subscription, please contact the TMA Knowledge Center via email or by phone at (800) 880-7955.

Last Updated On

July 10, 2024

Originally Published On

March 23, 2010