Business of Medicine Conference

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    The Texas Medical Association's Business of Medicine Conference, formerly Fall Conference, is an educational conference for physicians. It will provide a comprehensive overview of the business of medicine.
  • Registration

    Registration for TMA members, CMS and association staff, and Alliance members is FREE – one of the many benefits of annual membership!

    Registration for nonmember physicians is $575 Guests of members and medical staff is $125.

    Advanced registration closes at 5 pm on Oct. 5. A $25 registration fee will be charged for onsite registrants.

    View TMA Conference Fees

    Register Online

    RSVP for Sections Meetings


    San Antonio Marriott Rivercenter on the River Walk

    101 Bowie St,
    San Antonio, TX 78205

    Join your colleagues at the San Antonio Marriott Rivercenter for the 2024 Business of Medicine Conference. 

    Travel and Accommodations

    Parking Rates

    Group rate: $239 plus tax
    Room block cutoff date: Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2024

    Book Your Room

  • Conference Agenda

    Download the Agenda

    Thursday, Oct. 10, 2024

    12:00–6:00 pm | Various Business and Governance Meetings

    3:00–6:00 pm | Registration hours

    4:00–6:00 pm | Social Event

    6:00–8:00 pm | Dinner on own

    Friday, Oct. 11, 2024

    7:00 am–7:00 pm | Registration hours

    11:00 am–6:00 pm | Exhibits Open

    11:45 am–12:30 pm | Lunch/Exhibits 

    12:30–1:00 pm pm | Opening General Session

    Opening Remarks, Maddox Award

    The Global State of Practice Viability
    Michael Suk, MD, American Medical Association board chair

    1:00–2:30 pm | Ask the Expert: The Business of Medical Practice (Ethics)

    • Identify strategies to maintain practice viability
    • Recognize common financial pitfalls and liabilities
    • Assess considerations when transitioning between practice models

    2:45–3:45 pm | Concurrent Session 1:              
    The Business of TMA: Parliamentary Process and Mock House of Delegates

    • Describe the purpose and principles of parliamentary procedure
    • Describe the distinct types of motions presented in a mock House of Delegates proceeding

    The Future of Medicine in 40 Minutes: Patient Care will Prosper, Everything Else ... Not So Much! (Ethics)

    • Recognize the new competition to big insurance and the big three pharmacy benefits managers (PBMs)
    • Describe the “Great Physician Replacement Theory”
    • Discuss the “Renaissance of Private Practice”

    4:00–5:00 pm | Concurrent Session 2:
    AI: What, Why and How (Ethics)

    • Summarize what augmented and artificial intelligence are and how data-driven insights can be used to improve health outcomes
    • Describe practical ways to use augmented intelligence safely and ethically in health care 

    Direct Primary Care 101

    • Define “Direct Primary Care”
    • Investigate the current factors in our health care system that have led to the rapid growth of the direct primary care model
    • Explore how the direct primary care model can enhance quality, reduce costs, and increase access to high-value primary care

    5:00–6:00 pm | Networking Happy Hour

    6:00–8:00 pm | Dinner on own

    8:00–11:00 pm | All-Conference Mixer

    Saturday, Oct. 12, 2024

    6:00 am–4:00 pm | Registration hours

    7:00 am–12:30 pm | Exhibits Open

    7:00–8:30 am | Networking Breakfast 

    7:15–8:50 am | Ask the Expert: The Business of Personal Finance (no CME)
    Physicians need information on managing personal finances, particularly at key times throughout their careers. This session will cover member questions on debt management, education planning, and investments.

    Moderator - TBD (One or Two Panels with four experts)

    Early Career
    7:15 –7:45 am: Intro & Discussion
    7:45 –8:00 am: Q&A

    Mid- and Established Career
    8:05 –8:35 am: Introduction and Discussion
    8:35 –8:50 am: Question and Answer session                 

    9:00–10:00 am | Concurrent Session 1:
    Corporate Practice of Medicine and Health Care Outcomes

    • Describe the corporate practice of medicine
    • Analyze health care outcomes in a corporate medicine model

    Message Framing: Making Your Case Effectively (Ethics)

    • Identify types of message framing to help increase patient compliance and/or get the attention of management
    • Discuss the best message framing practices depending on the audience
    • Assess common mistakes in getting your message heard

    10:00–11:00 am | Hotel Check Out
    Small Talks Coffee Breaks                                 

    11:15 am–12:15 pm | Concurrent Session 2:
    AI: Benefits and Challenges (Ethics)

    • ​Discuss the use and benefits of augmented intelligence in patient care
    • Explain the challenges and implications of implementing and using augmented intelligence in health care 

    Practice Advertising: Creating Your Brand

    • Define key brand values that make your practice unique
    • Analyze avenues for advertising and the costs/benefits of each
    • Assess the different resources for developing your practice advertising

    12:30–2:00 pm | General Session / Lunch: Is There a New Business of Medicine?

    Hosted by TMA Women Physicians Section with support from TMA Insurance Trust

    • Assess the evolving landscape of medicine
    • Define strategies to engage young physicians
    • Discuss approaches to appeal to the next generation of patients

    2:15–3:15 pm | Legislative Update: What’s Coming in 2025 (Ethics)

    • Discuss upcoming legislative issues and proposed regulations expected in 2025
    • Assess how these changes may affect medicine in Texas
  • Special Thanks to Our 2024 Sponsors









    Vendors, contact 
     for sponsorship and exhibit opportunities.

  • Oct. 10-12 | San Antonio