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Staff Recruitment - 01/22/2024

Personalized recruiting of qualified staff for front office, billing, clinical, and management positions. We provide assistance with job descriptions, résumé review and evaluation, reference and background checks, on-site interviews and training.

Revenue Cycle Assessment Training - 01/22/2024

A TMA consultant will provide training to assist the practice in developing policies and procedures for effective billing and collections processes.

On-site Training - 01/22/2024

This service for physicians and staff is customized for your practice’s specific needs. Discover what these hands-on training sessions cover.

Human Resources Services - 01/22/2024

While having sound and consistent hiring practices will help your practice attract candidates, keeping them takes a lot more effort. A TMA practice management consultant can assist with human resource challenges.

Embezzlement Risk Review - 01/22/2024

Medical practices are especially vulnerable to embezzlement because they are typically cash businesses run by a close-knit staff that the physician tends to regard as “family.” You can protect your practice by establishing a formalized system of controls for monitoring money.

Custom Services - 01/22/2024

In today’s complex health care environment, no two practices are exactly alike. Let TMA Practice Consulting customize an innovative solution for you.

Three Steps to a Tech Contract You Can Live With - 08/30/2023

When you are shopping for a new technology vendor for your practice, signing a contract is the easy part. The real work starts well in advance and continues as long as the contract is in force.

How Can I Prevent Embezzlement in My Practice? - 10/11/2022

Medical practices are largely cash businesses and have the highest embezzlement rate of any service industry. Every medical practice, regardless of size, specialty or location, is a potential victim of employee theft and embezzlement.

Do’s and Don’ts of Unemployment Insurance Claims and Appeals - 10/11/2022

Do’s and Don’ts of Unemployment Insurance Claims and Appeals

Job Screening Checklist - 09/08/2021

Job Screening Checklist

Job Descriptions: More Than Just for Hiring - 09/07/2021

Hiring a new employee? Start by writing a job description. Here’s what to include and how it can work for you beyond the hiring process.

Preventing Embezzlement - 09/07/2021

Preventing Embezzlement

Data Provides Benchmark for Staff Salary Levels - 07/22/2021

Data provides benchmark for staff salary levels

Follow These Five Tips When You Follow Up on Claims - 10/26/2020

Follow These Five Tips When You Follow Up on Claims

Practice Check-Up - 12/12/2018

An overview of practice operations and financial analyses designed for small practices (one to three physicians) that includes gross charges, gross collections, adjusted collections, and accounts receivable. This will provide a “snapshot” of your practice’s daily processes and current financial health.

Billing and Collections: A Process, Not a Task - 04/26/2018

Revenue cycle procedures begin with efficient appointment scheduling and end with payment for billed charges. By attending carefully to each step of the revenue cycle process, you can eliminate problems that may cause your practice to lose money.

Short-Term Objectives Can Help You Realize Long-Term Goals - 12/21/2016

For a medical practice to achieve its goals, it must have a financial plan. A good plan takes a long view of the practice’s success but includes short-term, achievable objectives along the way.

Take Steps to Protect Your Practice From Ransomware - 12/07/2016

Ransomware attacks have become a common threat for hospitals and physician practices throughout the United States and Texas. Ransomware can completely disable a practice by encrypting the patient data, essentially making it inaccessible until the ransom is paid. There are things you can do to protect your practice.

Make That First Impression Count - 06/23/2016

Make That First Impression Count

What Is the Right Staffing Level for Your Practice? - 06/23/2016

What Is the Right Staffing Level for Your Practice?

It Takes a Team to Produce a Good Claim - 06/03/2016

It Takes a Team to Produce a Good Claim