If you’re looking for a way to reconnect with your community as COVID-19 restrictions ease, consider the Texas Medical Association’s Hard Hats for Little Heads program. For 27 years, the Hard Hats program has been helping physicians put bike helmets on local children to encourage them to exercise and do it safely.
This summer and fall, you might want to think about giving helmets at health and safety fairs, back-to-school events, and community festivals. Or maybe you prefer to make a personal connection in your office by giving helmets during well-child checks.
Memorial Hermann Health System’s nine in-school health clinics gave out helmets throughout the Houston area last year. Steven Alley, MD, a pediatrician at Memorial Hermann’s Hogg Clinic, obtained helmets through the Texas Pediatric Society (TPS), which collaborates with TMA on the Hard Hats program. TPS provides up to 25 helmets for its members, and TMA matches with the same number.
Dr. Alley, who fitted helmets on the children at his clinic’s event, said the event was worthwhile: “We educated the children, and shaped the way they see bike safety.”
Shivum Agarwal, MD, a Jacksboro family physician, said he takes advantage of the captive audience during well-child checks.
“As a rural family physician, my work bridges the office setting and public health arena daily,” said Dr. Agarwal. “From my perspective, it says: ‘I am going beyond the mandated checklists, and taking a sincere interest in getting your child to adulthood successfully and safely.’”
When you purchase up to 50 helmets, TMA boosts your giving power with an equal match of helmets. Helmets cost $8.85 each (including shipping).
Similar to TPS, the Texas College of Emergency Physicians provides 25 helmets to its members, matched by TMA. The Texas Academy of Family Physicians supports any family physician giveaway, including Dr. Agarwal’s, with the same match.
To receive an order packet or for more information, contact Tammy Wishard at (512) 370-1470 or by email.
Hard Hats for Little Heads is supported in 2021 with a grant from the TMA Foundation with major support from an anonymous TMA/TMAA member donor couple.
Tammy Wishard
Account Manager, Division of Communications and Marketing
(512) 370-1470