Stories with related Professional Interests

Practice Financials - 09/04/2024

Get the information you need to keep your practice financials in order.

Delegation of Duties - 08/16/2024

Use these resources to learn more about delegation of duties. 

Starting a Practice - 06/03/2024

Setting Up or Closing a Practice

HIPAA and Medical Power of Attorney - 03/20/2024

Does the HIPAA Privacy Rule change the way in which a person can grant another person medical power of attorney?

Checklist for Closing or Selling a Practice - 08/30/2023

Checklist for Closing or Selling a Practice

Enhancing the Office Experience for Your Patients - 08/30/2023

Enhancing the Office Experience for Your Patients

Practice E-Tips on Human Resources - 08/30/2023

E-Tips on Human Resources

HIPAA Security Rule: Move It to Top of Mind - 08/07/2023

Problems with HIPAA Security Rule safeguards, both administrative and technical, continue to fall among the top five HIPAA security issues the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services identifies each year.

Your Photocopier May Be a Security Risk - 08/07/2023

Don’t let this happen to you! A health plan paid a huge fine after it returned leased copiers that held protected health information.

Practice e-Tips on Technology - 07/25/2023

TMA Practice e-Tips on issues such as electronic medical records (EMRs), and buying technology for your practice.

Relief Program Launched to Reopen Hurricane-Devastated Medical Practices - 06/28/2023

When staff of a Houston-area children’s urgent care clinic saw security-camera images of brown, murky Hurricane Harvey floodwater submerging the waiting room, they knew it was bad. Quickly, the physicians and other clinic workers jumped into action. Soon they also consulted the Texas Medical Association (TMA) for help, and learned about the TMA Disaster Relief Program.

Top Three Reasons Embezzlement Occurs - 10/11/2022

Medical practices suffer from one of the highest embezzlement rates of all service industries.Several factors can contribute to embezzlement. The top three are opportunity, pressure, and rationalization.

How Can I Prevent Embezzlement in My Practice? - 10/11/2022

Medical practices are largely cash businesses and have the highest embezzlement rate of any service industry. Every medical practice, regardless of size, specialty or location, is a potential victim of employee theft and embezzlement.

Do’s and Don’ts of Unemployment Insurance Claims and Appeals - 10/11/2022

Do’s and Don’ts of Unemployment Insurance Claims and Appeals

Difficult to Keep Front Office Staff? - 10/11/2022

Difficult to keep front office staff?

EMR in the “Cloud”: Is It for You? - 10/07/2022

New web-based EMR systems, also known as cloud-based EMRs, allow physicians to pay a monthly subscription fee to access their EMR rather than having to purchase it.

Create Practice Guidelines for Dismissing Patients - 10/07/2022

Many practices experience difficult or noncompliant patients. But rather than waiting until you are “up to here” to take action, you can make the situation less stressful by working out guidelines for your practice ahead of time.

How to Delete Data — for Real - 10/07/2022

Whenever your practice scraps, trades in, donates, or sells electronic equipment, make sure the storage media is wiped clean of all data. Often your safest bet to remove the storage capabilities and destroy the hard drives or memory cards.

Podcast: Which Tests Need a CLIA Waiver Certificate? - 10/07/2022

If you or your practice performs urine dip sticks and finger sticks for blood glucose as part of a patient visit, TMA has published a Practice Well podcast to help you understand how to obtain a Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment (CLIA) certificate.

Three Steps That Could Save Your Practice’s Life - 10/29/2021

What would happen to your practice if you suffered an extended illness or a temporary — or permanent — disability? Solo physicians should take three important steps to make their practice ready to go on immediate life support in event of an extended illness or disability.

How to Notify Employees of Closing or Selling a Practice - 10/29/2021

Guidelines for Notifying Employees of the Closing or Selling of a Practice

Stop Embezzlement Before It Starts - 10/28/2021

Embezzlement occurs in medical practices more often than you might think. Follow these tips to reduce the potential for cash embezzlement in your practice.

Patient Notification During Practice Transition - 10/28/2021

Patient Notification During Practice Transition

Sixteen Ways to Save Money in Your Practice - 09/23/2021

Looking for ways to trim practice expenses? Here are some easy suggestions for saving a little here and a little there. It can add up.

Ten Tips for Effective Voice-Mail Messages - 09/23/2021

Voice mail is a great tool, but it can waste time and cause frustration if you don’t use it wisely. Follow these tips for leaving effective voice-mail messages every time.