Hard Hats for Little Heads

Hard Hats for Little Heads: Planning Your Event - 12/05/2024

TMA recommends you start planning your Hard Hats for Little Heads event at least a month in advance to ensure time for delivery of helmets and materials.

Tip of the Hat: Hard Hats Founder Made Helmet-Wearing Kids a Common Sight - 09/30/2024

As the father of the Texas Medical Association’s Hard Hats for Little Heads program, Houston pain specialist Larry Driver, MD, has a legacy of safety in the state.

On Call for Little Heads: 30 Years of Hard Hats - 09/27/2024

Participants reflect on three decades of TMA’s longest-running outreach program.

El Paso Physician Named TMA Health Hero - 09/19/2024

Joseph H. Segapeli, MD, an El Paso pediatrician, was named a Health Hero Saturday by the Texas Medical Association (TMA) for his commitment to improving the health of his community. Dr. Segapeli was honored with the third annual award last week during TexMed, TMA’s annual conference, in Dallas.

Frequently Asked Questions - 02/14/2024

Hard Hats for Little Heads FAQs

TCEP Kicks Off Hard Hats for Little Heads Collaboration - 08/31/2023

More than 300 students at Waverly Park Elementary School in Fort Worth received some early holiday cheer in late November with a free bicycle helmet from the Texas College of Emergency Physicians in conjunction with TMA’s Hard Hats for Little Heads program.

Hard Hats for Little Heads Event Ideas - 08/31/2023

Ideas for a Successful Event

TMA Foundation Elects Officers at Annual Conference - 06/29/2023

The Texas Medical Association Foundation (TMAF) elected Houston and Austin-area physicians and a Fort Worth civic leader as its new officers to lead the foundation’s board for the next two years. They were elected on Thursday during TMA’s annual conference, TexMed, in Dallas.

New Trustees Join TMA Foundation Board - 06/29/2023

The Texas Medical Association Foundation (TMAF) announces six new appointments to the TMAF Board of Trustees. Three physicians, two medical students, and a community leader will attend their first board meeting this week at the Texas Medical Association (TMA) Fall Conference. TMAF is the philanthropic arm of TMA, the nation’s largest state medical society.

Hard Hats for Little Heads: TMA’s Helmet Giveaway Saves Lives - 06/14/2023

The Texas Medical Association's Hard Hats for Little Heads program allows physicians to supply bike helmets to kids. The organization's longest-running outreach program has helped protect children's health and promote exercise by giving away more than 375,000 helmets.

Get Started on This Year’s Hard Hats for Little Heads Events - 03/06/2023

It may be winter outside, but now’s the time to spring into planning warm-weather local events that promote Hard Hats for Little Heads – the Texas Medical Association’s longest running outreach program encouraging helmet use for all wheeled activities, including biking, skateboarding, and riding scooters.

TMA Hard Hats for Little Heads Event Survey - 01/19/2023

Thank you for submitting the TMA Hard Hats for Little Heads Event Survey. If you have questions please contact Tammy Wishard at 512-370-1693.calendarGive helmets away atothertype of community sponsorspecify community sponsornumber of helmets givennumber of helmets given to low-incomenumber of hours/planning timeat event did physician do the followingat event did physician (other)HHLH quotescomments suggestionsNameOrganization/TitlePhone numberHealth fairElementary schoolCommunity eventPhysician’s officeOtherCivic organization (Kiwanis, Rotary)Youth organization (Boys & Girls Club, YMCA)Police/fire departmentBike club or shopOtherSponsored giveawayFit helmetsGave a safety talkOther  function ektLocalizeDate(date, id) { setTimeout(function() { if (document.getElementById && 10 == date.length) { var oTempDate = new Date(date.substr(0,4), parseInt(date.substr(5,2),10)-1, date.substr(8,2)); document.getElementById(id).innerHTML=(oTempDate.toLocaleDateString ? oTempDat...

TMA Hard Hats for Little Heads Pre-Event Survey - 12/15/2022

Thank you for submitting the TMA Hard Hats for Little Heads Event Survey. If you have questions please contact Tammy Wishard at 512-370-1693.01_date_of_event02_who_we_hope_to_reach02_who_we_hope_to_reach_school02_who_we_hope_to_reach_other03_estimated_number_own_helmet04_estimated_number_participate_sports05_name06_organization/title07_phone_number  function ektLocalizeDate(date, id) { setTimeout(function() { if (document.getElementById && 10 == date.length) { var oTempDate = new Date(date.substr(0,4), parseInt(date.substr(5,2),10)-1, date.substr(8,2)); document.getElementById(id).innerHTML=(oTempDate.toLocaleDateString ? oTempDate.toLocaleDateString() : oTempDate.toLocaleString()); } }, 1); } // Thank you for submitting the TMA Hard Hats for Little Heads Event Survey. If you have questions please contact Tammy Wishard at 512-370-1693.

TMA Foundation Secures Matching Gift to Support Hard Hats for Little Heads - 06/10/2022

Champions of the Texas Medical Association’s Hard Hats for Little Heads program rose above and beyond at the TMA Foundation’s 29th annual gala on April 29 and earned a $10,500 matching gift during the event’s Make-A-Difference fundraising drive.

What Is Hard Hats for Little Heads? - 05/10/2022

The Texas Medical Association’s Hard Hats for Little Head bicycle helmet giveaway program was created to help reduce head injury among Texas children.

Connect With Your Community in 2022 With TMA Programs - 04/05/2022

Signature community-based programs such as the Texas Medical Association’s Hard Hats for Little Heads and Walk with a Doc Texas provide TMA and TMA Alliance members a unique way to improve the health of their community as trusted leaders.

Media Relations Tools - 02/03/2022

TMA provides sample materials to alert the media about your event. If you create your own materials, TMA must approve them before distribution to ensure the Hard Hats for Little Heads program is properly credited.

Get Free Bike Helmets in Time for Holiday Giving in Your County - 11/15/2021

With the season of giving approaching, the Texas Medical Association’s Hard Hats for Little Heads bike helmet giveaway program is offering free helmets until Dec. 31 for you to give to kids in your community. Pairing helmets with bikes given through local toy distributions is an easy way to take advantage of this special offer.

Join With TMA to Put Bike Helmets on Local Kids - 09/13/2021

Do you see local kids riding their bikes and scooters without a helmet? Maybe they don’t understand the protection a helmet provides. Maybe riding without a helmet is the norm among their friends. Or maybe they can’t afford a helmet.

2020 Hard Hats for Little Heads Event Hosts - 07/21/2021

2019 Hard Hats for Little Heads Event Hosts

Reconnect to Your Community With a Hard Hats Event - 06/29/2021

If you’re looking for a way to reconnect with your community as COVID-19 restrictions ease, consider the Texas Medical Association’s Hard Hats for Little Heads program. For 27 years, the Hard Hats program has been helping physicians put bike helmets on local children to encourage them to exercise and do it safely.

TMA Bike Helmets + Holiday Gift Giveaways = Safe, Happy Kids - 11/13/2020

As the holidays approach, the Texas Medical Association’s Hard Hats for Little Heads bike helmet giveaway program provides a way to put smiles – and safety – into the lives of children in your community.

TMA Has Bike Helmets For Your Next Giveaway - 11/13/2020

If you want to help kids in your community get outside and stay active, consider hosting a Hard Hats for Little Heads bike helmet giveaway. By hosting an event, you can join with the Texas Medical Association to urge Texas kids: “Get Moving. Stay Safe. Wear a Helmet.”

Make A Difference in 2020: Donate to TMA’s Hard Hats for Little Heads Program - 08/27/2020

Although this year’s TMA Foundation gala was canceled because of the COVID-19 pandemic, you can still “Make a Difference” in the lives of Texas youth by donating to the TMA's Hard Hats for Little Heads program.

Hard Hats School Giveaways Help Kids Read, Ride - 08/06/2020

During the COVID-19 pandemic, joining with a local school that gives bikes as a reward for achievement is a good fit for a Texas Medical Association Hard Hats for Little Heads bike helmet giveaway.