TMA Hard Hats for Little Heads Event Survey

Event date:  

Did you give helmets at a: 

Other (please specify): 


If you partnered with another group, please select the type of co-sponsor (check all that apply)

Other (please specify):


How many helmets did you give away?


How many helmets went to children of low-income families (approximate percentage)?


How many hours were spent planning and executing your event? (include all volunteer time, but not paid staff time)


If a physician participated in your event, please indicate the type of involvement (check all that apply):

Other (please specify):


Please provide quotes from helmet recipients for TMA to share with program funders.  


What suggestions/comments do you have for the Hard Hats for Little Heads program?  




Phone number:   


By completing a survey, you give TMA and TMA Foundation permission to use your feedback.  





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