
  • TMA Legal Papers on Compliance

    TMA has a wealth of information available to members in our various white papers on compliance and legal topics. Learn about consent for treatment of minors, DEA investigations, access to medical records, termination of the physician-patient relationship, and many more topics.

    Read Them Now

  • Get Compliance Education Through TMA

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    Start now and gain the knowledge needed to achieve compliance. View all of the compliance courses available on the TMA Education Center.

    Visit the Education Center
  • From the Knowledge Center 

    Recent questions about Compliance:

    I think a HIPAA breach may have occurred. What do I do now?

    Ask your question now  

  • Policies and Procedures: A Guide for Medical Practices

    This resource is specific to Texas law and contains 550+ editable pages with 80+ template forms. Highlights include sections on Telehealth, Clinical Care and the CURES Act, as well as a 200-page HIPAA guide and inclusive language.

    The guide is currently being updated. Check back soon for the new version!

  • Texas Law Shortens Data Breach Notification Period

    Data Breach Notification  

    Texas physician practices and other health care facilities soon will be required to give more timely and public notice of any breaches of computerized data, including electronic health records (EHRs) and billing information.

    See What's Required
  • Warning: Watch Your Referrals

    Federal anti-kickback law has changed, and it’s gotten broader.

    As a result, you may need to re-examine your practice’s compensation arrangements. That includes payments for laboratory referrals.

    Learn About the Changes
  • What could a TMA membership mean for you, your practice, and your patients?