Prioritize Your Wellness With Help from TMA and the Physician Health and Wellness Committee


Physicians are so busy taking care of their patients, their families, and their communities they often don’t take care of themselves. Your health matters, and the Texas Medical Association has many resources to help take care of you.   

TMA encourages you to stop and take a few minutes to assess your mental well-being, especially during the pandemic.   

Check out TMA’s array of free CME programs to help you identify any negative emotions you might be experiencing and how to overcome them. Go to TMA’s Education Center and click on “Physician Health,” where you can choose from 25 programs.   

Here are a few highlights to get you started:  

  • Physician’s Mental Wellness During COVID-19: Learn coping strategies to maintain your mental health during time of extreme stress.  

  • Hardwiring Happiness: Take charge and learn strategies to cultivate happiness in your life. A positive perspective can improve a person’s immune system and cognitive functioning.   

  • Balance for Life: Learn how to change your perspective and prioritize your life activities to align with your core values.  

  • Break the Silence: Physician Suicide: Every year 300 to 400 physicians take their own life. This course explains the risk factors and warning signs in potentially suicidal physicians.  

In addition, TMA’s Physician Health and Wellness Committee offers wellness plug-ins, or toolkits, on mental-health related topics such as: 

  • Strength of mind; 

  • Mindful eating; 

  • Community support; and 

  • Financial well-being. 

The toolkits include the following courses, which can be requested as a live CME presentation:  

And if mental health issues are affecting your ability to practice medicine, turn to the TMA Physicians Benevolent Fund (PBF). Through its Wellness Fund, PBF offers financial resources for physicians who need short-term treatment for depression, substance abuse, or other issues.  

Many of these and other CME courses are available at no cost to TMA members, compliments of TMA Insurance Trust.   

Last Updated On

May 23, 2021

Originally Published On

May 23, 2021

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