PBF Wellness Fund


The PBF Wellness Fund offers financial assistance to physicians who need treatment for conditions that may impact their ability to practice medicine safely.   

Eligibility and Application Process

Any licensed Texas physician currently participating in treatment for depression, substance use disorders, or other potentially impairing conditions can apply. Funds also may cover the family’s household expenses while a physician is receiving treatment. 

Applicants must be licensed Texas physicians currently residing in the state. Applicants must also provide a copy of their last filed tax return and other documentation supporting current financial need. 

Applications are reviewed by The Physicians Benevolent Fund Committee to determine eligibility. Approved applicants may receive up to six-months of assistance, based upon need, and all proceeds are payable directly to creditors. 

PBF Wellness Fund Confidential Application  

Testimonials About the PBF Wellness Fund

“The wellness fund is meant to allow physicians the dignity of getting back on their feet. I am really grateful the fund was there when I needed it.”
– PBF Wellness Fund recipient 

“I encountered three physicians who were helped by the PBF Wellness Fund. All three returned to an active medical practice.”
– Bernard H. Feldman, MD, Houston  


Your contribution to The PBF Family of Assistance Funds or any of the three  The PBF Family of Assistance Funds, can make a difference in a physician’s life. 

The PBF is a 501(c)(3) organization, so charitable contribution(s) are tax-deductible to the fullest extent permitted by federal law. Gifts may be in the form of honoraria or memorials.

Here’s how to help:

  • Donate online
  • Mail a check, payable to PBF Wellness Fund, to: TMA Physicians Benevolent Fund, c/o Finance Department,  401 W. 15thSt., Austin, TX 78701-1680  

Contact Information

If you or someone you know needs assistance,  email pbf[at]texmed[dot]org for more information. 


Last Updated On

July 02, 2024

Originally Published On

June 09, 2017

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Physicians Benevolent Fund