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John Zerwas, MD, Honored for Service as Texas Lawmaker - 09/19/2024

The American Medical Association on Tuesday awarded former Texas State Rep. John Zerwas, MD, its Dr. Nathan Award for Outstanding Government Service.

United Launches National ‘Gold Card’ Program - 09/17/2024

UnitedHealthcare announced the launch of what it’s calling a national “gold card” program, which purports to allow physicians to bypass the prior authorization process and is set to begin Oct. 1.

Medicine to Feds: Back Off Prior Authorization Requirements - 08/09/2024

The Texas Medical Association, American Medical Association, and a host of other medical societies are trying to stop onerous, care-impeding prior authorization requirements from overrunning Medicare Advantage plans.

Texas' Voice: Delegation Shapes AMA Policy, But Could Have Greater Impact - 07/10/2024

Through its delegation, TMA shapes AMA policy – but its impact could be greater   

TMA Members Win Key AMA Seats - 06/21/2024

In addition to influencing a dozen American Medical Association policies at its annual meeting in June, Texas Medical Association members also won key seats in AMA leadership positions.

Texas Influences a Dozen AMA Policies - 06/21/2024

Texas made its presence known in Chicago when the Texas Delegation to the American Medical Association arrived to advocate for stronger action to fix physicians’ Medicare payments once and for all, health plan accountability, and vigilance on scope creep in emergency departments.

Aetna Scraps Required Prior Auth for Cataract Surgery - 05/15/2024

Organized medicine’s efforts across the nation to torpedo or curb prior authorization recently got a small but encouraging boost when Aetna rescinded its year-old preauthorization requirement for cataract surgeries.

CMS to Test Prior Auth Requirements for Certain ASC Procedures - 04/10/2024

Texas physicians soon may encounter new Medicare prior authorization requirements for certain services that double as cosmetic procedures when provided at an ambulatory surgical center.

Shielding the Gold Card Law: TMA Fights to Guarantee Gold Card is Implemented as Intended - 04/09/2024

Texans earned one of its most prolific victories with its prior auth exemption law but still fights to guarantee it's implemented as intended.

TMA Moment in Time: AMA Presidents - 04/09/2024

Texas' git-er-done approach has launched TMA physicians to the AMA presidency.

AMA President-Elect Acclaims TMA Advocacy for Scope, Prior Auth Wins - 01/30/2024

Texas physicians’ advocacy accomplishments both in the state and alongside the American Medical Association earned praise from AMA’s president-elect at the Texas Medical Association’s Leadership Summit on Jan. 27.

Prior Auth Processes to Streamline Under Medicare Advantage, Other Federal Programs - 01/23/2024

Physicians who care for patients enrolled in federal health plans can expect shorter prior authorization response times and other process improvements in coming years, thanks to longstanding advocacy by the Texas Medical Association and others in organized medicine.

No Prior Auth Required for Generic Asthma Meds Following Medicaid Formulary Change - 12/19/2023

As of Dec. 15, physicians can prescribe generic asthma medications previously listed as non-preferred on the Medicaid preferred drug list without needing prior authorization.

Send TMA Your Prior Authorization Nightmare Stories - 12/11/2023

Arbitrary. Confusing. Frustrating. Never-ending. Maddening. Those are some of the terms we can actually print that describe physicians’ experience with insurance companies’ prior authorization requirements and approval processes.

Texas Delegation Helps Stop Single-Payer Push at AMA Interim Meeting - 11/30/2023

Texas medicine made its voice heard on a wide variety of national issues at the meeting in Washington D.C., achieving success in four priority areas: supporting Medicare payment reform, opposing a single-payer system, securing tighter restrictions on nonphysician practitioners, and preventing the use of virtual credit cards.

AMA Launches National Study of Physician Practice Expenses - 10/11/2023

With the backing of the Texas Medical Association and 172 other health care organizations, the American Medical Association recently launched a survey of U.S. physicians to better understand practice expenses and to support its advocacy for physician payment reform.

United Will Eliminate Prior Authorization Requirements for Certain Procedures - 08/11/2023

Physicians have long complained about onerous prior authorization requirements, which often delay care and sometimes have catastrophic consequences. One payer seems to be listening.

Federal Prior Auth Bill Filed in Congress - 07/25/2023

U.S. Rep. Michael C. Burgess, MD (R-Lewisville), is following his fellow Texas physicians’ lead on curbing insurers’ hassle-laden prior authorization burdens, introducing a federal bill similar to the “gold-card” law the Texas Medical Association proposed and championed into law at the state level.

Physician-Led Results: Insurance - 06/21/2023

TMA can count several insurance-related legislative wins this session, including an additional prior authorization reform for vulnerable patients and new protections against bad health plan practices for patients and physicians alike.

Texas Leads National Charge for Medicare Physician Payment Reform - 06/14/2023

The Texas Delegation to the American Medical Association led the charge for more concrete action to achieve comprehensive Medicare physician payment reform , resulting in new AMA policy calling for less “talk” and more “action” to ensure access to care for patients.

United Ties New “Advance Notification” of GI Procedures to Gold-Carding - 06/12/2023

Rather than go through with its controversial prior authorization policy for gastroenterology endoscopy procedures on June 1, UnitedHealthcare (UHC) announced an equally concerning “advanced notification” pilot program requiring early notification and the submission of substitute documentation for certain gastrointestinal procedures.

Strength in Numbers: Texas Physicians Shape Health Care Policy at AMA - 05/25/2023

The Texas Medical Association wields its influence in two ways: through the Texas Delegation to the American Medical Association and through membership on the AMA’s various councils and committees.

TMA Joins Fight Against Prior Auth for Gastroenterology Services - 05/15/2023

The Texas Medical Association joined roughly 200 national and state medical specialty societies, patient organizations, foundations, and physician groups in a widespread call urging UnitedHealthcare (UHC) to halt its nationwide policy requiring prior authorization for gastroenterology endoscopy services that take place on or after June 1.

Physicians’ Economic Impact Felt in Rural Texas and Nationwide - 05/02/2023

In Texas, physicians create more than 670,000 jobs and generate almost $118 billion in state economic activity, according to a new report.

CMS Proposal Could Alleviate Prior Auth Stress in Federal Programs - 04/26/2023

The Texas Medical Association’s years of lobbying for prior authorization reform paid off with the passage of Texas’ “gold-card” law in 2021. Now the framework is gaining traction at the federal level, where a proposal would ease onerous preapproval requirements under certain public health plans.