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TMA Resources: Understanding Insurance and Policy in Health Care - 08/09/2024

TMA resources to help students improve readiness for understanding the role of insurance and policy in health care.

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Operational Excellence: TMA Looks to Maintain a Dynamic Association - 06/16/2024

A strategic plan is just a plan unless it includes specific directions on how to operationalize and measure its success, says Texas Medical Association President Ray Callas, MD.

Statewide Groups - 05/30/2024

Statewide Groups

Tarrant County - 05/29/2024

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Smith County - 05/29/2024

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Large Group Practices With 100-Percent Texas Medical Association Membership: Dallas County.

Bexar County - 05/29/2024

Large Group Practices With 100-Percent Membership in the Texas Medical Association. 

MSS Executive Council - 05/14/2024

MSS Executive Council

Student of the Year Award - 05/13/2024

At TexMed 1998, TMA-MSS established the Outstanding Student on the Year award.  This award is given annually to the Texas Medical Student exemplifying outstanding service to the Texas Medical Association Medical Student Section. Any medical student (except current TMA-MSS Executive Council members) is eligible to receive this award.

Lifelong Leadership: TMA Debuts Development Program for Physicians at Every Career Stage - 04/01/2024

The Texas Medical Association's new Lifelong Leadership Program is a self-paced, 18-month program free to any TMA member physician; along with the Leadership College and the Leadership Summit, the program responds to members' requests for more career development opportunities.

Information and Education - 12/13/2023

TMA is your source for information. From authoritative publications and a dynamic website, to informative CME and practice management resources, TMA has the answers you need.

Opening Doors: Texas’ Newest Medical Schools Founded to Improve Care for Underserved Patients - 10/03/2023

Texas’ three newest medical schools were founded with a mission to improve care for underserved patients, especially in East Texas.

Write a TMA-MSS Supported Resolution - 10/03/2023

To submit a resolution to the TMA House of Delegates that has support of the entire section please review the following links.

With You All the Way - 09/06/2023

TMA supports you in every stage of your career, in all practice settings.

10 More Ways to Save Money in Your Practice - 08/30/2023

Past editions of TMA Practice E-Tips have suggested ways practices can save money and time in daily activities. Here are more tips … for TMA members only. These programs and services are free for TMA members, and can save practices thousands of dollars.

Legislative Victories - 07/20/2023

TMA stands united to protect you, your family, and the profession of medicine for generations to come Grassroots efforts have been the cornerstone of our success throughout the years.  Although your elected speakers, officers, trustees, and other leaders of the

Apply For a TMA Student Leadership Position Today - 07/20/2023

When you think about your future as a physician, do you see yourself not only treating patients, but also shaping state and national health policy or being involved in medical leadership? If you answered yes, get started on that future by serving on the Texas Medical Association Medical Student Section (MSS) Executive Council, which directs the activities of the section at the state level.

Is Your Student Chapter Serving the Community? Get Recognized - 07/20/2023

If your student chapter organized a project that benefitted the community, such as a Hard Hats for Little Heads event or a Hurricane Harvey cleanup day, get recognized for that work with a Chapter Service Project of the Year award.

Chapter Service Award - 07/19/2023

This award is given annually to the Texas Medical Association Medical Student Section Chapter that demonstrates outstanding volunteer service to their local community which will in turn create visibility and encourage engagement within the section.