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Top Three Reasons Embezzlement Occurs - 10/11/2022

Medical practices suffer from one of the highest embezzlement rates of all service industries.Several factors can contribute to embezzlement. The top three are opportunity, pressure, and rationalization.

How Can I Prevent Embezzlement in My Practice? - 10/11/2022

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Did That Employee Quit, or Did You Fire Her? - 10/11/2022

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These 10 Tips Will Help You Avoid EMR Liability Exposure - 10/10/2022

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Use Medical Record Templates With Care - 10/07/2022

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Texas Administrative Code: Medical Disclosure Forms - 10/07/2022

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How to Delete Data — for Real - 10/07/2022

Whenever your practice scraps, trades in, donates, or sells electronic equipment, make sure the storage media is wiped clean of all data. Often your safest bet to remove the storage capabilities and destroy the hard drives or memory cards.

Avoid Prescribing Pitfalls - 10/07/2022

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Copy Fees for Mental Health Records - 09/28/2022

Do Texas Medical Board rules regarding fees for copying medical records apply to mental health records? TMA’s newly updated, free white paper answers this question about fees and more.

Records Requests in an OIG Investigation - 04/13/2022

This submitted article from the Texas Office of the Inspector General details the requirements of the agency's provider record reviews and how you can be prepared and compliant if OIG requests patient records.

Withholding Copies of Records for Failure to Pay Copy Fee - 03/18/2022

Do we have to provide a patient copies of requested medical records if the patient fails to pay the copying fee?