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These Workplace Posters Should Be on Your Walls - 09/03/2024

Along with any decorative prints or motivational signs that might adorn the walls in the employees-only areas of your practice, posters about up to a dozen lawsmust be on display.

Delegation of Duties - 08/16/2024

Use these resources to learn more about delegation of duties. 

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PAs and APRNs: How Do These Midlevels Differ? - 08/30/2023

Physicians interested in hiring a midlevel practitioner for their practice sometimes wonder whether they should hire a physician assistant or an advanced practice registered nurse. Here’s the basic difference between the two.

Articles and Papers on Legal Issues - 08/28/2023

Articles And Papers-Misc. Medical Records

Who Will Run Your Practice If You Can’t? - 08/23/2023

You might have given thought to what would happen to your solo practice and your family in the event of your death, but what if you have a serious accident or illness and are unable to work for, say, several months?

Top Three Reasons Embezzlement Occurs - 10/11/2022

Medical practices suffer from one of the highest embezzlement rates of all service industries.Several factors can contribute to embezzlement. The top three are opportunity, pressure, and rationalization.

How Can I Prevent Embezzlement in My Practice? - 10/11/2022

Medical practices are largely cash businesses and have the highest embezzlement rate of any service industry. Every medical practice, regardless of size, specialty or location, is a potential victim of employee theft and embezzlement.

Difficult to Keep Front Office Staff? - 10/11/2022

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Did That Employee Quit, or Did You Fire Her? - 10/11/2022

The question of whether an employee quit or was fired is very important if the ex-employee files for unemployment benefits. It determines who has the burden of proof in the case. These tips from the Texas Workforce Commission can help you keep the onus of proof off you.

Can I Refuse to Hire a Smoker to Work in My Practice? - 10/11/2022

The Texas Workforce Commission recommends addressing your concerns through policy.

These 10 Tips Will Help You Avoid EMR Liability Exposure - 10/10/2022

Follow these 10 tips for avoiding documentation pitfalls related to electronic medical records.

Use Medical Record Templates With Care - 10/07/2022

Some medical offices opt to use templates in creating electronic medical records. While templates can be wonderful timesavers, do not use them without precaution.

Texas Administrative Code: Medical Disclosure Forms - 10/07/2022

Texas Administrative Code: Medical Disclosure Forms

Informed Consent - 10/07/2022

Informed Consent

For TMLT Insureds: What to Do First When Someone Sues - 10/07/2022

For TMLT Insureds: What to Do First When Someone Sues

How to Respond to a Subpoena - 10/07/2022

How to Respond to a Subpoena

How to Delete Data — for Real - 10/07/2022

Whenever your practice scraps, trades in, donates, or sells electronic equipment, make sure the storage media is wiped clean of all data. Often your safest bet to remove the storage capabilities and destroy the hard drives or memory cards.

Avoid Prescribing Pitfalls - 10/07/2022

Signing a prescription means you have a patient-physician relationship and all that goes with it. Follow these tips to avoid being taken in by a drug-seeking patient.

Training Under OSHA’s Bloodborne Pathogens Standard - 10/07/2022

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration says you have to train all employees with occupational exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials. Here is clarification about how that regulation translates into practice in a medical office.

Notice to Patients on the Departure of a Physician - 10/07/2022

When a physician departs a group, the practice should consider the issue of continuity of care for patients. The Texas Medical Board (TMB), in an attempt to address this, adopted regulations that must be followed whenever a physician leaves a group. This applies to physicians who are partners, members, or employees of the group.

Protocols and Prescriptive Authority Agreements - 06/29/2022

In managing physician assistants and advanced practice registered nurses, what is the difference between a prescriptive authority agreement and a protocol? Do I need to have both?

Four Bill-Collecting Tips for New (or Any) Practices - 02/01/2022

Starting a practice can be daunting, and one challenge often overlooked is making sure you get paid. Although only a small number of patients will not pay you, or will pay slowly, they can hurt your bottom line. Writing off thousands of dollars in charges should not be an option.