Practice Marketing

Marketing Your Practice - 07/23/2024

Marketing Your Practice

Starting a Practice - 06/03/2024

Setting Up or Closing a Practice

Practice e-Tips on Practice Operations - 08/30/2023

Billing Consulting HIPAA Forms Marketing Office Staff OSHA Patient Service Policies & Procedures Resources Billing Billing Medicare for Locum Tenens Billing Tip

Practice e-Tips on Marketing Your Practice - 04/01/2022

Marketing Tips for Your Practice

Sponsored Content: SEO for Medical Practices – Why It Matters - 11/17/2021

In the past, word-of-mouth referrals and repeat patients were the most reliable ways to grow and sustain any medical business. But in the age of the internet, online strategies are now the number one way to market health care services.‌

Six Ways to Improve Your Practice Marketing - 10/02/2020

The Texas Medical Association has created a webinar that provides easy-to-follow steps to create and implement marketing strategies that fit your practice.

Your Website + SEO = A Perfect Match - 02/14/2020

If you would like to learn how to build your online credibility and reach patients through effective SEO, tune into a free, 45-minute webinar by Officite, a Texas Medical Association endorsed vendor.

Modern Websites for Health Care Practices - 11/01/2019

Physicians spend many years in medical school, and marketing probably wasn’t a part of the curriculum. However, there’s a good chance your next potential patient will be looking for a physician with a search engine or on Facebook. So what’s a savvy practice to do?

You’re a Doctor, Not a Business Magnate. But Why Not Be Both? - 10/23/2019

Don’t let the business of medicine bog down your practice. The Texas Medical Association’s publication Business Basics for Physicians can help provide the skills you need to run a successful medical practice.

What Does Your Online Presence Say About You? - 09/27/2018

If you don’t already monitor your online reputation, now is a good time to start. Join TMA-endorsed vendor, Officite, for a free, 45-minute webinar at 2 pm Thursday, Oct. 18 to discover how to take control of your brand across the internet.   

Forney to Physicians: We’re Open for Medicine - 02/21/2018

If you’ve ever thought about opening your own practice in the Dallas area, officials in Forney are hoping you’ll look their way.

Make That First Impression Count - 06/23/2016

Make That First Impression Count

Tips for Promoting a Practice Website - 06/23/2016

Tips for Promoting a Practice Web Site

Tips for an Effective Practice Website - 06/23/2016

Tips for an Effective Practice Web Site

Thinking of creating a brochure for your practice? - 06/23/2016

Thinking of creating a brochure for your practice?

Ten Must-Haves for Every Medical Website - 06/23/2016

The website you build for your practice is the face you present to the world.

Marketing Your Practice on the Internet - 06/23/2016

Marketing Your Practice On The Internet

How to Generate Patient Referrals - 06/23/2016

Referrals from established patients are one of the best ways to attract new patients to your practice. But you can’t just hope it happens. Here are four ways you can help make it easier for your patients to refer others to you.

Follow the Law When You Advertise Board Certification - 06/23/2016

Follow the Law When You Advertise Board Certification

Designing an Effective Practice Brochure - 06/23/2016

Designing an effective practice brochure

Designing a Marketing Strategy - 06/23/2016

Designing a Marketing Strategy

Advertising Restrictions - 06/23/2016

Advertising Restrictions