Fraud and Abuse

Beware of Phony TMB, DEA Agents and Other Scams - 11/15/2022

The Texas Medical Board (TMB) is warning physicians and pharmacies of a scam involving criminals who sometimes pose as TMB officials. TMB passed along a report from the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) that says physicians registered with the DEA are receiving calls and emails from criminals who identify themselves as DEA personnel or other law enforcement agents.

Stark Self-Referral Laws and Regulations - 10/07/2022

Stark generally prohibits a physician (or an immediate family member of such physician) who has a direct or indirect financial relationship with an entity that provides a designated health service from making a referral for that service for which Medicare or Medicaid would otherwise pay. This very broad prohibition is mitigated by a large number of exceptions. These exceptions must be met exactly. Failure to meet a Stark exception will result in a violation.

Beware Third Party Scams - 12/21/2021

As technological capabilities have evolved, some individuals and organizations are using these capabilities to try to scam others out of their private personal or payment information.

Data Driven: Medicaid’s Inspector General Focuses on Fraud Prevention, Not Just Prosecution - 09/06/2021

Since her appointment in 2018, Texas Health and Human Services Inspector General Sylvia Hernandez Kauffman has homed in on using data analytics not only to prosecute fraud, waste, and abuse within the Medicaid program, but also to prevent it from happening in the first place. Texas Medicine spoke to Ms. Kauffman about what appears to be a shift in tone from this department as it also focuses on using the data it collects to educate physicians and other health care professionals on common billing mistakes.

What Triggers a Coding Audit? - 08/20/2021

What Triggers a Coding Audit?

Microsoft Windows, Server Systems Vulnerable to Hackers, Feds Warn - 01/17/2020

Texas physicians should look out for a security weakness in Microsoft Windows 10, Server 2016, and Server 2019, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) said this week.

Ousting the ‘F-Word’ From Your Practice - 10/29/2019

You do everything you can to keep your patients safe and healthy. But are you sure your practice is safe from fraud and abuse? Don’t wait for a costly government audit – or a criminal charge – to come knocking. Check out the Texas Medical Association’s e-book, Fraud and Abuse Prevention Simplified, which can help you learn to protect both your practice and patients.

Medical Devices Could Be Vulnerable to Hackers, FDA Warns - 10/02/2019

Certain medical devices and hospital communications networks could contain cybersecurity vulnerabilities that could allow a remote attacker to take control of the device and change its function, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warned on Tuesday.

Beware of Scam Email Sent to TMA Members - 08/21/2019

An unauthorized email that claimed to be from the Texas Medical Association recently was sent to some TMA members stating that the individual member’s dues statement and insurance policy update was included. If you received this email, please know that it did not originate from nor was it authorized by TMA or the TMA Insurance Trust, and you should discard it.

Scammers Targeting Texas Pulmonologists Seeking $500 - 06/19/2019

The Texas Medical Association is warning pulmonary physicians to be aware of a scam involving a letter from a phony medical board that seeks $500 “for Pulmonary Disease Certification Status Verification.” Two Texas pulmonologists contacted TMA to report a letter from the “American Board of Pulmonary Disease” notifying them of a “very important requirement to continue certification in pulmonary disease at this time. You are on record having failed to previously register, and must comply.”

Alert: Scammers Demanding Bogus Fines For Drug Purchases - 04/01/2019

The Texas Medical Association and the Texas Medical Liability Trust (TMLT) are warning physicians about scammers posing as a U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration agent trying to defraud doctors into paying a nonexistent federal fine for allegedly intercepting illegal prescription drugs the doctor had sent through the mail.

Greenway Clients Entitled to Free EHR Upgrade After Fraud Settlement - 02/12/2019

Electronic Health Record vendor Greenway Health has been ordered to offer its clients free upgrades to its latest version of Prime Suite as part of a settlement in a multimillion-dollar fraud case.  

Don’t Fall for Credentialing Scam, Blue Cross Says - 10/23/2018

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas warns physicians to be aware of a scammer that is offering to help doctors become credentialed with the insurance company for $250.

EHR Vendors Behaving Badly; What Can You Do? - 08/27/2018

Have you had a problem with your electronic health record vendor not following through on its contractual obligations? Many practices don’t know how or where to get help.

New Medicaid Inspector General Appointed - 01/19/2018

Gov. Greg Abbott has appointed Sylvia Hernandez Kauffman inspector general for the Texas Health and Human Services Commission.

Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Training: Not Just for Medicare Advantage Plans - 01/27/2017

Medicare requires annual fraud, waste, and abuse training for physicians contracted with any Medicare Advantage plan and their staff. But all practices should provide this type of training to all employees, regardless of health plan participation, says TMA.

Identify Your Own Fraud and Abuse Red Flags - 09/26/2016

One way to help keep your practice operations squeaky clean and in compliance with fraud and abuse laws is to develop an internal set of warning indicators.

Waiving Copays - 06/03/2016

Waiving Copays

Use RAC Discussion Period to Communicate About Medicare Audit - 06/03/2016

If I receive a letter from the Medicare Recovery Audit Contractor regarding overpayment, do I have any options other than to either pay up or launch an appeal?

TMLT Policies Cover RAC Audits - 06/03/2016

Texas Medical Liability Trust (TMLT) policyholders audited under Medicare's Recovery Audit Contractor (RAC) program are now covered.