As technological capabilities have evolved, some individuals and organizations are using these capabilities to try to scam others out of their private personal or payment information.
Use vigilance to identify and avoid scam contacts and websites from third parties pretending to be affiliated with Texas Medical Association (TMA) or our authorized vendors. Keep your eye out for these common scams:
- Mailing Lists: Mailing lists are a popular tool used by individuals or organizations trying to get you to provide your personal information and/or to pay them money. Organizations and individuals might try to target TMA vendors, guests, and our members by offering to rent or sell attendee, member or exhibitor contact information. TMA does not rent or sell lists like this to a third party broker for the purpose of the broker to then re-sell or rent the lists to others in exchange for payment.
If you are ever contacted by an entity or individual claiming to offer you a list like this or similar information for rent or sell relating to TMA, a TMA event, or a TMA-authorized vendor, please contact TMA to verify whether this is a legitimate offer.
- Websites: Organizations or individuals also may create websites falsely claiming to provide registration for TMA events (including continuing medical education classes) and hotels. For TMA event registration and related hotel accommodations (to the extent applicable for a TMA event), please go through TMA’s official website,, for valid information.
If you have trouble navigating our website, you can contact the TMA Knowledge Center by phone at 512-370-1550 or by email at
Use caution if you receive a message from a third party claiming you have received a reward relating to a TMA event or claiming there is a problem with your registration, membership, or a TMA or authorized vendor service. Many times those messages might include language to pressure you to take quick action, such as marking the message “immediate action required” or “urgent.” If the communication is asking for you to click a link, download an attachment, or asking for financial information or private contact information, make sure to stop and consider whether this could be a scam.
These are just a few ways you might encounter a scam from a third party claiming to be affiliated with TMA, a TMA event, or a TMA authorized vendor. Technology is ever-changing, providing new ways for these characters to try to gain your personal or financial information. Whenever you have any doubt about the authenticity of a communication or website relating to TMA, a TMA event, or a TMA-authorized vendor, or to report a potential scam encounter, please make sure to contact us at
Last Updated On
December 21, 2021
Originally Published On
December 21, 2021