International Medical Graduate

  • What Is the International Medical Graduate (IMG) Section?

    IMG Mission: To Promote Diversity and Integration in Texas Medicine

    Welcome to the IMG Section webpage! The IMG Section was created in 1997 to promote diversity and integration in Texas medicine and provide a direct means for IMGs to participate in activities of TMA.

    All IMGs are invited to participate in the TMA IMG Section, which is devoted to the unique issues and concerns of all IMG physicians. A diverse group of physicians with a common vision, this section meets three times a year in conjunction with TMA conferences and the annual meeting of the House of Delegates.

    Make sure you're connected!
    Update your contact information now.

  • IMG Section Award


    Outstanding Physician Award

    The TMA International Medical Graduate Outstanding Physician Award was implemented in 2019 to recognize a TMA-IMG member physician who has provided outstanding volunteer service, outside of their practice, to the medical community for which they live and/or work.

    During TexMed 2024, TMA's Annual Meeting, the award winner was Hector R. Trevino, MD.  

    Nominate a physician for the Outstanding Physician Award by Feb. 20.

    View History and Award Recipients 
  • Leadership

  • IMG Leadership

    Meet your 2023-25 TMA-IMG Section Executive Council.

    The section’s Executive Council is elected during odd-numbered years in conjunction with the section's first meeting of the calendar year. To apply for a position for the 2023-25 term, submit an application, attaching a headshot, two-page CV, and brief letter of intent by Jan. 15. Learn more about these positions.

    Apply for appointment to a TMA Board, Council or Committee. Help create policy while gaining access to networking and leadership opportunities. 

    Read the Letter from the IMG Chair
  • Free Education and Resources

  • Section Resources


    Find links to:

    • Educational Resources for Foreign Medical Graduates
    • National Ethnic Medical Societies
    • Texas Ethnic Medical Societies, and more
    View Additional IMG Resources   
  • Learn Through TMA

    Whether you’re just starting out, joining an established group, or need help growing your practice, tap into TMA education and professional development programs to learn about everything from medical records management to marketing. No matter how you choose to practice, be sure to access free TMA resources for personal and professional growth.

    Learn More

    TMA Career Center

    The Career Center is a one-stop location to find job opportunities in Texas; connect with top health care employers; get assistance with your CV, and more.

    If you’re hiring physicians or medical staff for your organization, TMA has special packages and products available to help you find the perfect candidate.

    View Open Jobs
  • IMG Section: View Priorities

    • Section members completed a survey, the results of which helped define the goals of TMA’s six member sections and their priorities for the 2024-25 year. Take this opportunity to view the feedback and hear what matters to you most.

    View Survey Feedback

  • TMA is helping to strengthen your practice by offering advice and creating a climate of medical success across the state.

  • What could a TMA membership mean for you, your practice, and your patients?