50 Year Club

50-Year Club: Member Essay Project - 08/15/2024

Essays written by members of TMA's Fifty Year Club manifest physicians’ trusted leadership role within their communities and the health care team.

About the 50-Year Club - 07/03/2024


2023 50-Year Club Scholarship Winners - 01/10/2024

2023 50-Year Club Scholarship Winners

TMA's 50-Year Club Scholarship Fund Empowers Tomorrow's Healers - 01/09/2024

Thanks to the Texas Medical Association’s 50-Year Club Scholarship Fund, Canice Dancel’s path through medical school extends beyond her academic goals. Her journey is also infused with a passion to “make a meaningful impact on the lives of women, families, and communities in my future practice.”

TMA Scholarship Helps Medical Students Put Patient Care Goals First - 03/25/2022

Thanks to the Texas Medical Association’s 50-Year Club Scholarship Fund, three medical students are receiving a $1,000 scholarship in recognition of their outstanding academic performance.

Scholarship to Bring Three Students Closer to a Medical Career - 01/18/2022

Three Texas medical students have won scholarships of $1,000 each from the Texas Medical Association’s 50 Year Club in recognition of their outstanding academic performance.