Hang This Sign on Your Door to Keep Patients and Staff Safe


If you haven’t already posted a sign on your practice or facility door advising patients what to if they might have been exposed to COVID-19, the Texas Medical Association Covid-19 Task Force has created one for you.

The sign, which you can customize for your practice, asks patients if they have symptoms, if they’ve been exposed to the virus, and if they’ve traveled in the past 14 days. Patients who answer yes are told to call the practice from somewhere away from the entrance and wait for instructions.

Download Your Door Signs Below

It is available on the TMA website at the bottom of the page under "Printable Materials for You In Health Care Settings" in English and Spanish as well as in color and black and white.

The Task Force also has updated its "Frequently Asked Questions" that answer many of the questions you might have about caring for people who have been exposed to the virus while keeping your staff and facility safe.

You can find the latest news, resources, and government guidance on the coronavirus outbreak by visiting TMA’s COVID-19 Resource Center regularly.

Last Updated On

March 20, 2020

Originally Published On

March 19, 2020

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