Texas HHSC Proposes Medicaid Payment Cuts

Under orders to cut its budget by 5 percent starting Sept. 1, the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) has proposed reductions in the state's Medicaid, Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), mental health care, and public health systems. HHSC Commissioner Tom Suehs has tried wisely to avoid budget moves that would remove families from these programs' rolls. But his plan to cut children's Medicaid and CHIP payments to physicians and providers by 1 percent - and adult Medicaid payments by 2 percent - surely will limit families' access to care. TMA is preparing a letter to Gov. Rick Perry, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, and House Speaker Joe Straus that recommends state leaders work with physicians to devise innovative models of health care delivery that emphasize prevention, early detection and intervention, and better health outcomes.

Last Updated On

January 06, 2020

Originally Published On

March 24, 2010

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CHIP | Medicaid