TMA Awards Minority Scholarships to Help Diversify Workforce
By Tammy Wishard

With medical school applications at an all-time high, the Texas Medical Association upheld its commitment to diversify the state’s workforce by awarding scholarships to minority students who plan to attend Texas’ 15 medical schools this fall.  TMA announced this year’s minority scholarship winners Friday during TexMed.

TMA created the Diversity in Medicine Scholarship Program in 1998 to help diversify the physician workforce to meet the health care needs of Texans. One student from each Texas medical school will receive a $10,000 scholarship.

TMA’s scholarship program is one of few available in the state for underrepresented minority students (as defined by the Association of American Medical Colleges) seeking a career in medicine. Scholarship recipients must express interest in practicing in underserved areas, demonstrate community service and leadership, and show academic achievement.

With a projected nationwide shortage of 54,100 to 139,000 primary and specialty care physicians by 2033, the program helps ensure Black, Hispanic/Latino, and Native American physicians can practice in neighborhoods where many residents share their racial identity.

Recipients are known as “Bayardo Scholars” in recognition of the majority support provided by the TMA Foundation Trust Fund of Roberto J. Bayardo, MD, and the late Agniela (Annie) M. Bayardo of Houston.

Dr. Bayardo said the students’ “dedication and aspiration to care for Texans, particularly those in need, makes me feel that the future of medicine is indeed in good hands.”

The TMA Foundation (TMAF) funds the program with gifts from the TMAF Bayardo Minority Scholarship Fund; H-E-B; St. David’s Foundation; and the TMAF Patrick Y. Leung, MD, Minority Scholarship Endowment, along with TMAF donor physicians and their families, and TMA county medical societies.

Last Updated On

October 23, 2023

Originally Published On

May 17, 2021

Tammy Wishard

Account Manager, Division of Communications and Marketing

(512) 370-1470
Tammy Wishard

Tammy Wishard is an account manager in TMA’s Marketing Department. She works with TMA’s Office of Trust Fund Administration and other departments to help communicate the broad range of services and resources TMA offers its members. She has a 25-plus-year history with TMA, where she started as a writer/editor. Tammy, a proud Iowa native, is a graduate of Abilene Christian University.

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