If Your Patients Wish for Good Health, Here’s a Musical Reminder
By David Doolittle


Austin singer/writer Sara Hickman wishes three things for Texans: wellness, love, and that they stay home during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Sometimes you might feel like you’re in excellent health, but you might be carrying the virus and spread it to other people without knowing,” Ms. Hickman said in a public service announcement she recorded for the Texas Medical Association.

She also includes a special “thanks to all our health care workers on the front lines” of the epidemic.

Ms. Hickman recorded the video as part of TMA’s “Stay Home, Texas” campaign. Watch all that have been released so far on TMA’s YouTube channel, watch for more coming each day, and remember to hit the “share” button. 

You can find the latest news, resources, and government guidance on the coronavirus outbreak by visiting TMA’s COVID-19 Resource Center regularly.



Last Updated On

September 25, 2024

Originally Published On

April 08, 2020