Vote Tuesday to Keep Texas A Leader in Cancer Research


The Texas Medical Association is encouraging you to vote for a proposition that would extend Texas’ place as a leader in the fight against cancer.

“Please vote AGAINST cancer and FOR saving Texans’ lives. Physicians of TMA urge everyone to VOTE FOR Proposition 6 on Tuesday's ballot to continue to fund the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT),” TMA President David C. Fleeger, MD, said. “CPRIT already has saved countless Texans’ lives, and it both saves and makes Texas millions of dollars every year.”

The Texas Legislature and Texas voters launched CPRIT in 2007 with $3 billion in funding. Proposition 6 would extend funding by another $3 billion and keep the agency alive for an estimated 10 additional years.

To date, the agency has awarded about $2.3 billion to support cancer research and prevention through research at Texas institutions; research to develop new drugs, devices, and diagnostics; and prevention efforts such as screening programs.

"It's an incredibly important thing to all of us," former State Rep. John Zerwas, MD (R-Richmond), told physicians at the 2019 TMA Fall Conference. "I think it puts Texas in a place that no other state can claim in terms of cancer research and actually curing some of these diseases that are within reach for us."

TMA supports the effort to keep CPRIT alive after its current funding runs out in 2022.

According to CPRIT, the agency has made 1,380 awards totaling about $2.3 billion to support cancer research and prevention efforts on three fronts:

  • 72% has gone to accelerating research at Texas institutions. This includes the recruitment of 175 top cancer researchers and their labs, the best-known being James Allison, PhD, who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2018.
  • 18% has gone to product development research at early stage and growing life science companies in Texas to develop new drugs, devices, and diagnostics for fighting cancer. To date, CPRIT has provided 40 grants to 34 companies, including 12 companies that have relocated to Texas.
  • By statute, at least 10% goes to prevention efforts, such as screening programs that have detected more than 3,600 cancers and 16,200 cancer precursors, giving these individuals a chance in their personal battles against these diseases. 

Texans will vote on 10 proposed amendments to the state constitution on Tuesday, including Proposition 6. The proposition reads: “The constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to increase by $3 billion the maximum bond amount authorized for the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas."

Texans can check boxes either for or against the measure.

"If you don't get out to vote for any other reason this November let this be the reason," said Dr. Zerwas.

Last Updated On

November 04, 2019

Originally Published On

November 04, 2019

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Cancer | TEXPAC | Texas legislation