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Human Resources Services - 01/22/2024

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Custom Services - 01/22/2024

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Three Steps to a Tech Contract You Can Live With - 08/30/2023

When you are shopping for a new technology vendor for your practice, signing a contract is the easy part. The real work starts well in advance and continues as long as the contract is in force.

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May Nonphysician Practitioners Order DME? - 10/28/2021

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TMA Case Study: Coding and Documentation - 06/29/2021

TMA’s certified professional coders and auditors can help protect your revenue by performing an in-depth review of how your practice documents medical records and codes claims. The review helps streamline coding and documentation processes, and decrease the risk of external audits.

Opening an Independent Practice During COVID-19 - 09/24/2020

Regardless of how the pandemic is affecting the economy, people always will need health care. This may be the best time to open a new practice, incorporating lessons learned during the pandemic, including telemedicine as a practice necessity.

Do You Know Who Can Consent to the Treatment of a Minor? - 11/26/2019

The Texas Medical Association's recently updated white paper, Consent For Treatment of Minors, is there to help you understand what you can and cannot do when treating a person younger than 18.

Let TMA Help You Optimize Your Revenue Cycle - 10/03/2019

Is your practice struggling to collect payments? Are your accounts receivable growing rapidly? Is there a drain on your bottom line? The culprit could lie in your revenue cycle management.

Your EHR Vendor Is Not Responsible For Your Security Risk Analysis - 03/11/2019

A Security Risk Analysis is a living document that should be reviewed at least annually to find new vulnerabilities, such as new technology, system upgrades, and any other changes within your practice that could affect the security of protected health information.

Practice Check-Up - 12/12/2018

An overview of practice operations and financial analyses designed for small practices (one to three physicians) that includes gross charges, gross collections, adjusted collections, and accounts receivable. This will provide a “snapshot” of your practice’s daily processes and current financial health.

Three Things You Need to Know About Texas’ Telemedicine Law - 09/19/2018

Texas’ new telemedicine law and applicable rules have created new opportunities for physicians to care for patients outside the traditional office visit. Here are answers to three basic questions you might have. (Remember: When treating Medicare patients via telemedicine, follow Medicare rules.)

How to Bring Down Your No-Show Rate - 08/16/2018

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10 Common Ways Your Practice Could Be Leaking Money - 07/12/2018

Think of your revenue cycle like a pipeline that moves from patient scheduling, to billing and collections, and finally to deposits in the bank. Here are five common ways your practice may be losing revenue.

Is Running Behind Schedule Part of Your Routine? - 05/30/2018

Sometimes it's unavoidable for your practice to fall behind schedule, but you can take steps to reduce how often it happens.

What’s a Good Way to Measure Physician Productivity? - 05/03/2018

An effective way to measure physician productivity is in relative value units (RVUs). Monitoring physician productivity can be one element in tracking a practice’s financial health.

Keep Your EHR SAFER With These Guides - 03/13/2018

Electronic health records give you and your practice access to patients’ information quickly, easily, and – perhaps most importantly – safely. But that only works if your EHR is implemented and optimized for patient safety.

Does HIPAA Limit What You Can Charge for Electronic Medical Records? - 03/07/2018

If patients ask for copies of their electronic protected health information (PHI), the fees you charge must be reasonable and cost-based, according to federal and state regulations.

How Does Your Bottom Line Compare? - 03/01/2018

Ever wondered how your practice revenues stack up to your peers in the same specialty? Let TMA Practice Consulting conduct a free and quick review to find out.

TMA Career Center Takes the Work Out of Looking for Work - 12/29/2017

You’re probably wishing there was one place online where you can post job openings, find available office space, and even identify support services for your practice. Well, you can stop wishing and start looking at TMA’s Career Center.

Conventional Loan or SBA Loan? - 03/02/2017

Find out why TMA’s practice consultants typically advise physician clients to pursue conventional loans first.