A Publication of the Texas Medical Association
Texas Medicine is available to TMA members and presents timely information on public health, medicolegal issues, medical economics, science, medical education, and legislative affairs affecting Texas physicians and their patients.
Click here to read the digital edition.
Power PAC: TEXPAC works to advance TMA’s mission through political education, activism, and election of medicine-friendly candidates.
One Voice: With help from individual physicians and county medical societies, TEXPAC’s robust candidate evaluation process ensures medicine’s interests come first.
Physician Assistance: Meet the six physicians currently serving in the Texas Legislature or a statewide office.
A Party for Medicine: TMA Alliance President Jenny Shepherd’s events bolster TEXPAC visibility and membership with a dose of fun.
Other stories: Community outreach
On Call for Little Heads: Upon its 30th anniversary and 400,000 helmets given away, Hard Hats for Little Heads continues to help stop preventable head injuries.
Smart Money: TMA’s Vaccines Defend What Matters’ grants cover costs to combat vaccine hesitancy, low vaccination rates.
Taking Steps Together: Walk with a Doc events bring physicians and patients together to spur physical activity and build community bonds.
Tip of the Hat: Hard Hats for Little Heads founder Larry Driver, MD, helped make helmet-wearing kids a common sight.
Also in this issue:
TMA Advocacy: Border Health Conference
Back Issues
Information on Letters to the Editor
Advertising Rates and Specifications in Texas Medicine
E-mail comments to Amy Sorrel.
Index to Texas Medicine
Medical terminology is based on usage of MeSH, the National Library of Medicine's Medical Subject Headings, which are used in Index Medicus. If a term does not appear in MeSH, then the author's usage or common usage is preferred.
Each index consists of three parts: the subject index, the author index, and the index of deaths.
Texas Medicine, Volume 116, 2020
Subject, Author, Deaths
Texas Medicine, Volume 115, 2019
Subject, Author, Deaths
Texas Medicine, Volume 114, 2018
Subject, Author, Deaths
Texas Medicine, Volume 113, 2017
Subject, Author, Deaths
Texas Medicine, Volume 112, 2016
Subject, Author, Deaths
Texas Medicine, Volume 111, 2015
Subject, Author, Deaths
Texas Medicine, Volume 110, 2014
Subject, Author, Deaths
Texas Medicine, Volume 109, 2013
Subject, Author, Deaths
Texas Medicine, Volume 108, 2012
Subject, Author, Deaths
Texas Medicine, Volume 107, 2011
Subject, Author, Deaths
Texas Medicine, Volume 106, 2010
Subject, Author, Deaths
Texas Medicine, Volume 105, 2009
Subject, Author, Deaths
Texas Medicine, Volume 104, 2008
Subject, Author, Deaths
Texas Medicine, Volume 103, 2007
Subject, Author, Deaths
Texas Medicine, Volume 102, 2006
Subject, Author, Deaths
Texas Medicine, Volume 101, 2005
Subject, Author, Deaths
Texas Medicine, Volume 100, 2004
Subject, Author, Deaths
Texas Medicine, Volume 99, 2003
Subject, Author, Deaths
Texas Medicine, Volume 98, 2002
Subject, Author, Deaths
Texas Medicine, Volume 97, 2001
Subject, Author, Deaths
Texas Medicine, Volume 96, 2000
Subject, Author, Deaths
Subscription Information
Texas Medical Association members – $20 per year
Nonmembers and institutions – $40 per year
Foreign – $48 US currency
Single copy – $4 plus $0.33 sales tax
To subscribe or check on the status of your subscription, please contact the TMA Knowledge Center via email or by phone at (800) 880-7955.