SOCIAL MAP Resources

The authors of Get Social found it rather awkward to write about entirely online media within a decidedly offline book. Glaringly lacking is the ability to include direct hyperlinks to examples, sources, and background documents. Rather than write out all the URLs in the text of the book, we've gathered all the links mentioned - and some not mentioned - for you here. 

Get Social - Full text online, with information on continuing medical education credits.

Social Media Networks 


 Texas Medical Association Social Media Presence  


Other TMA Social Media Materials for Physicians 


Chapter Resources 




Chapter 1: Why Should I Take This Trip? 


Chapter 2: Where Am I Going? 


Chapter 3: Protecting the Driver 


Chapter 4: Don't Lose Your Direction 


Chapter 5: Traversing the Terrain  


Last Updated On

September 19, 2024

Originally Published On

December 19, 2014