OSHA - 09/03/2024

OSHA Compliance and your practice

Workplace Violence: Protect Yourself and Your Colleagues - 10/07/2022

In some practice settings, physicians and others may encounter violent behavior in patients, clients, and/or residents. Here are some tips for staying safe.

Training Under OSHA’s Bloodborne Pathogens Standard - 10/07/2022

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration says you have to train all employees with occupational exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials. Here is clarification about how that regulation translates into practice in a medical office.

Safe Needle Devices - 10/07/2022

Safe Needle Devices

OSHA: Hepatitis B Vaccination Requirement - 10/07/2022

OSHA: Hepatitis B Vaccination Requirement

Are You OSHA Compliant? - 10/07/2022

OSHA compliance requirements for practices with fewer than 10 staff.

OSHA COVID-19 Emergency Standards Raise Concerns for Physician Practices - 09/20/2021

New COVID-19 emergency standards that the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) enacted last month “could harm the financial viability of many physician practices, potentially backfiring” on the Biden administration’s attempts to improve access to care, the Texas Medical Association is telling the U.S. Department of Labor.