Stories written by Susan Bailey

The Assault on Physicians and Science Must End - 10/29/2020

A continued campaign of misinformation and disinformation at this urgent hour is an unconscionable betrayal of the public trust that jeopardizes our work and endangers lives, writes AMA President Susan R. Bailey, MD.

The Assault on Physicians and Science Must End - 10/29/2020

A continued campaign of misinformation and disinformation at this urgent hour is an unconscionable betrayal of the public trust that jeopardizes our work and endangers lives, writes AMA President Susan R. Bailey, MD.

Words and Actions That Erode Trust in the CDC Hurt Us All - 09/18/2020

As our nation struggles to overcome the most severe threat to public health in our lifetime, we must rely on evidence-based science and data. Doing so is key to formulating an effective response that protects our patients while earning their trust in the guidance we provide.

The COVID-19 Outbreak in Baseball Is a Sign We Still Have Hard Work to Do - 08/20/2020

In a world knocked off its axis by COVID-19, in a year when so many of our familiar routines and pastimes now put us at risk, the long-awaited return of Major League Baseball (MLB) was thought to mark our first steps down the basepath to new normalcy. Unfortunately, the experiences of the Miami Marlins and St. Louis Cardinals baseball teams are evidence that conducting even an abbreviated season offers only an illusion of normalcy amid a pandemic, a mirage like the digital and cardboard crowds dotting empty grandstands for TV viewers, or the phantom crowd noise we’ve heard piped into radio broadcasts.