If you file fetal death records with the state, be aware that the process will change at the beginning of next month.
Currently, Texas physicians must report fetal deaths on paper forms. But beginning Aug. 1, those records will be filed electronically to the Texas Electronic Vital Events Registrar, also called TxEVER.
A death certificate must be filed within five days for every fetus that weighs at least 350 grams, or is at least 20 weeks of gestation if the weight is unknown, officials with the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) said.
To help physicians prepare for the transition, the DSHS Vital Statistics Section will host a physician-only webinar from 6:30 to 7:30 pm July 30.
DSHS is also hosting a series of webinars throughout July for everyone involved in the death certificate process.
TxEVER, which replaced the Texas Electronic Register, is designed to support all vital events operations, including reporting, registration, and amendments of births and deaths, DSHS officials said.
The new registry will help state health officials with medical and health-related research, including the causes of adverse pregnancy outcomes, officials said.
More information can be found on the DSHS website or by calling (512) 776-3010 or FieldServices[at]dshs[dot]texas[dot]gov.
Last Updated On
September 19, 2024
Originally Published On
July 11, 2019