Withholding Copies of Records for Failure to Pay Copy Fee

Q. Do we have to provide a patient copies of requested medical records if the patient fails to pay the copying fee?  

A. Generally, Texas Medical Board (TMB) regulations permit physicians to retain records until receiving payment of a copy fee, subject to some exceptions, says TMA’s white paper: “Medical Records — Fee for Copying.” 

TMB rules say:

“If payment is not routed with such a request, within ten calendar days from receiving a request for the release of such records, the physician shall notify the requesting party in writing of the need for payment and may withhold the information until payment of a reasonable fee is received. A copy of the letter regarding the need for payment shall be made part of the patient’s medical and/or billing record as appropriate.” (Emphasis added.)

Note that the practice may withhold records if the patient fails to pay for the copies but not if the patient has failed to pay a medical bill on time. Therefore, if a patient has a past due account for medical treatment and that patient pays for the copies, the practice must provide the records to the patient, the white paper says. 

Visit the Medical Records page on the TMA website for information about medical records access, release, consent, and copying.


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TMA Practice E-Tips main page

Last Updated On

March 18, 2022

Originally Published On

June 27, 2016

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