Recently Out of Residency? Be Sure to Update NPI Information

Did an academic medical institution or university obtain a National Provider Identifier (NPI) for you? If so, is your NPI information up to date in the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)? 

Many physicians were assigned their NPIs upon graduation from medical school. Often, the medical school handling the physicians' NPI application used the school's address and phone number as the physician's practice location, mailing address, and phone number. Now, months or years later, many of these physicians have moved on in their careers to new locations but have not updated their NPPES information.

Remember, you are responsible for ensuring that your NPPES records are accurate and current. If addition, if you submit claims electronically to health plans, HIPAA regulations require you to update your NPPES records  within 30 days of any change.

Even if you are not subject to HIPAA regulations, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services encourages you to keep your NPPES information updated so that the national NPI Registry and CMS' monthly downloadable NPI file up to date.

Not only that, your alma mater probably would appreciate not getting mail and phone calls for you anymore!


TMA Practice E-tips main page

Last Updated On

June 01, 2016

Originally Published On

March 23, 2010