Now is the time to apply for one of several open positions available for section leadership as TexMed 2024 approaches, May 2-4, at the Omni Dallas Hotel.
Nominations from the floor will be considered during business meetings, with appointments made by section chairs after TexMed. Applications are available on section webpages for the following positions:
- Medical Student Section: Applications for board, council, and committee appointments, executive council positions, and leadership honor society are due April 15.
- Resident and Fellow Section: Applications for resident representative positions on boards, councils, or committees are due April 15.
- International Medical Graduate (IMG) Section: Vacant positions for two at-large executive council members are open for the 2023-25 term.
- Women Physicians Section: The vacant secretary position is open for the 2024-25 term.
Be sure to RSVP for section activities, both virtual and onsite. Log-in details for virtual meetings will be emailed following registration.
During section business meetings, members will discuss section priorities for the coming year, welcome the new executive council, and share opinions with section delegates before the House of Delegates convenes on May 4. If there is a particular resolution you would like your section to discuss, please submit it online. Locations and times for section meetings are available here.
IMG Section members must RSVP for the virtual meeting to be held Thursday, April 11, at 7 pm CT. Those interested in the LGBTQ Health and Women Physicians sections must opt in.
Contact TMA section staff with any questions.
TMA Insurance Trust is a pinnacle sponsor of TMA’s sections.
Last Updated On
April 05, 2024
Originally Published On
April 05, 2024