Women Physicians Section, Member Highlight: Lindsay K. Botsford, MD, MBA

Emily Briggs, MD
Name: Lindsay K. Botsford, MD, MBA

Specialty: Family Medicine

City: Houston

County Medical Society: Harris CMS

Social Media Handle: @lindsaybotsford


Why do you think your section is an important part of TMA?
The WPS has been a way to share experiences with practicing as a female physician, some of us who are also moms or juggling caregiving responsibilities. I think the increasing proportion of female medical students can sometimes lead to a conclusion that the work is done. But things like the gender pay gap, workforce attrition, work-life balance, and women rising to positions of power need continued advocacy and vigilance. The section provides a voice to these issues in an organized fashion. 


What benefits have you derived from your membership in the section?
I have most enjoyed the camaraderie, and engaging with women physicians from across the state. It has been nice to find a collective voice, and help others navigate their paths into positions of leadership.


What do you like most about your specialty? 
I love the variety of things that present to primary care. I also love the challenge of trying to continuously innovate to transform primary care. 

What is the best professional advice you've ever received? 
You can do it all, but you can't do it all at once. This feels applicable to me as I think about my professional development and things I choose to take on, but also to how I think about patient care in a primary care setting. Sometimes it takes time to get through patient's lists of concerns, if you only have persistence. It also has encouraged me to try new things over the course of my career. I love the chance to learn a new skill, read more, or try something new.



Last Updated On

February 22, 2023

Originally Published On

February 22, 2023