LGBTQ Section Member Highlight: Rosemary Eseh-Logue, MD

Rosemary Eseh-Logue
Name: Rosemary Eseh-Logue, MD

Specialty: Internal Medicine

City: Beaumont

County Medical Society: Jefferson CMS

Section You're Representing: LGBTQ Health (LGBTQHS)


Why do you think your section is an important part of TMA?
LGBTQ health section is an important part of the TMA because it is a section that is dedicated to improving the health outcomes of a marginalized and misunderstood group of patients. It is one of the few health sections that challenges us as physicians to work on our biases so that we can make measurable and significant impact in the health of our patients and our community. The discouraging data on LGBTQ health outcomes can be significantly reversed with more conscientious efforts on the part of physicians to be educated, aware, and to act in ways consistent with the Hippocratic oath we all took. The LGBTQ health section helps physicians to become educated, aware, and empowered to act for the benefit of their patients. Furthermore, the principles and actions guiding the LGBTQ health section will have dividends in improving the care of other populations prone to being victims of bias such BIPOC patients.

What benefits have you derived from your membership in the section?
Still too early to tell as I am a new member.

Is there a cause, activity, or organization you're involved in that you would like to mention?
I am the founder of Texas Physicians Intersex Advocates (TPIA), a group who aims to educate the public and medical professionals about intersex conditions and the harms of elective childhood genital surgeries. We seek to promote the de-stigmatization of intersex traits and the promotion of a social environments that allow for a healthy view of self. Feel free to join us on Facebook. 

What do you like most about being a doctor?
At this stage in my life, what I like most about being a doctor is being able to leverage my position and title to serve my community, not just on a clinical basis, but also in terms of advocacy.

Do you have a favorite quote or personal motto?
Become so wrapped up in something that you forget to be afraid.
-Lady Bird Johnson 




Last Updated On

October 04, 2022

Originally Published On

October 04, 2022