Table of Contents: January 2022 Texas Medicine

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Volume 118, Number 1 - January/February 2022

Cover Package: The Family of Medicine Issue

Care Connections (pages 16-21)
TMA Foundation grants offer a lifeline to Texas physicians tackling public health problems. By Emma Freer

PAC-ing a Punch for Medicine (pages 22-27)
Physician involvement in TEXPAC lays the foundation for TMA’s many legislative victories. By Joey Berlin

Allies for Medicine (pages 28-33)
The TMA Alliance, TMA’s massive volunteer force, champions medicine while strengthening physicians’ communities and families. By Sean Price

Unity in Diversity (pages 34-39)
TMA’s diverse member sections help promote leaders and inform policy. By Emma Freer and Sean Price

Also in this issue:

Practice Management: Pinch Points (pages 40-45)
Health care isn’t immune to a tight labor market, but employee retention efforts can help. By Emma Freer

Rounds (pages 4-13)
Vaccines: Booster FAQs (page 47)
Member spotlight: Eman Attaya, MD (page 48)

Last Updated On

January 03, 2022

Originally Published On

December 20, 2021