TMA Alliance Chapters Restart In-Person Events, Make Community Impact

With vaccination rates rising and the world slowly reopening, Texas Medical Association Alliance (TMAA) chapters across the state have begun hosting events for the first time in months. 

In Wichita Falls, Wichita County Medical Alliance (WCMA) held the grand opening of the Doctor’s Park Splash Pad. The Doctor’s Park, located within Hamilton Park, was originally built in 2017 with funds raised by WCMA. Soon after opening, WCMA leadership began plans for opening a splash pad, and funds were raised before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. The pad opened June 24, just in time for the community to enjoy it this summer. 

In the Panhandle, Lubbock County Medical Society Alliance (LCMSA) joined up with East Lubbock Community Alliance for their annual Juneteenth celebration. The event, which took place June 17-19, featured a health fair in which LCMSA members handed out bike helmets and immunization information. In addition to live music, games, and a parade, COVID-19 vaccinations and free health screenings also were available to the community. 

Meanwhile, in Corpus Christi, Nueces County Medical Society Alliance (NCMSA) received an award of recognition from George Evans Elementary School for their adopt-a-school partnership. Over the last year, NCMSA has provided free books, hygiene kits, and holiday stockings to students of the school. Physicians in the county also participate in a Reading Partners program at the school, opening the ongoing partnership up to the whole Family of Medicine. 

And in Austin, Travis County Medical Alliance held a casual wine night for new and prospective members. This was the first opportunity for many new members to meet their fellow alliance members face to face, and the first of many more events over the coming year. 

If you have questions about your local county medical alliance or would like to showcase your upcoming events, volunteer programs, and educational opportunities, contact TMAA staff.

Last Updated On

July 12, 2021

Originally Published On

July 12, 2021