Share Your COVID-19 Stories and Photos With TMA
By David Doolittle


You’re on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic, which means you show up to your practice, clinic, or hospital each day (and night) to care for your community – often putting your own safety at risk.

For that, the Texas Medical Association thanks and salutes you. Very, very much.

But we’d also like to show off the hard work you do.

We’re compiling photos, videos, and stories from physicians across the state that we will publish on social media, in our daily Texas Medicine Today newsletter, and Texas Medicine, TMA’s monthly magazine.

To do so, we need you to share with us photos, videos, and stories – basically anything that shows you and your colleagues working during the pandemic.

Go to, enter username: upload-account and password: usemyphoto1234 to upload photos or videos. Or get detailed instructions here. (It’s a simple process.)

And feel free to share your story with me, TMA’s director of physician publications, via email. Your story could end up in an upcoming TMA publication.

Thank you again, and stay safe.

Last Updated On

April 17, 2020

Originally Published On

April 03, 2020

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