Texas physicians are encouraged to help the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) spread the word to pregnant and breast-feeding mothers to avoid using cannabis and cannabis-derived products.
“There are many potential negative health effects from using marijuana and other products containing tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) during pregnancy and while breastfeeding,” Kaveeta Vasisht, MD, the acting FDA associate commissioner for women’s health, said in a statement issued last week. “Therefore, FDA strongly advises against the use of cannabidiol (CBD), THC, and marijuana in any form during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.”
In Texas, state laws passed recently have legalized the production and sale of products derived from hemp that have high levels of CBD, which is non-euphoric and has low levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (or THC), the psychoactive element in marijuana.
However, the FDA has approved only one prescription CBD drug product to treat rare, severe forms of seizure disorders in children.
Nonetheless, numerous products containing CBD, including drugs, foods, supplements, topicals, and cosmetics, can be found in stores throughout Texas.
“There is no comprehensive research studying the effects of CBD on the developing fetus, pregnant mother, or breastfed baby,” the FDA said. “FDA is continuing to collect and study the data on the possible harmful effects of CBD during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. However, based on what we do know, there is significant cause for concern.”
For help spreading the warning, check out the FDA website, which includes information and resources on the use of cannabis, including CBD, when pregnant or breastfeeding.
Texas Medical Association policy does not endorse state-based medical cannabis programs or the legalization of marijuana. The policy states that scientific evidence on the therapeutic use of cannabis does not meet the current standards for a prescription drug product.
In fact, TMA last week outlined its concerns about the new state law that legalized the sale and production of some hemp-derived products. TMA had three main comments, mostly concerned with providing patients with appropriate information about hemp products.
However, TMA has called for changes to state and federal laws that would allow for additional research on marijuana and its derivatives for their potential medical and therapeutic use.
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