Lawmakers Talk Opioids: Panel to Top TMA Conference

Sept. 25, 2018

 Drug Crisis Among Top Issues at TMA Fall Conference  

  • WHAT: How should Texas address the issue of people dying from opioid abuse? What role should the Texas Legislature — and physicians — play in curbing this nationwide problem? Two top lawmakers will discuss the issue, highlighting the 2018 Texas Medical Association (TMA) Fall Conference. Experts also will detail how venture-capitalist investing is changing medicine. And IBM’s chief health officer will answer the question: How will augmented intelligence affect the delivery of care and the patient-physician relationship?
  • WHEN: Saturday, Sept. 29, 7:30-11:45 am (See schedule below.)
  • WHERE: Lost Pines Ballroom, Hyatt Regency Lost Pines Resort, 575 Hyatt Lost Pines Road, Cedar Creek (between Austin and Bastrop) 


7:30 am - Dawn Duster — Venture Capitalists and the Impact on the Health Care Marketplace  

  • Moderator: Dave Spalding, Chief Operating Officer, TMA PracticeEdge
  • Kevin Wood, JD, Strasburger & Price, LLP
  • Jay Zdunek, DO, Chief Medical Officer, Austin Regional Clinic 

8:45 am - General Session — Opening Remarks and Welcome

  • Douglas W. Curran, MD, TMA president

8:50 am - Opioids: A Legislative Perspective

  • Moderator: Jason Terk, MD, Chair, TMA Council on Legislation
  • Rep. Four Price (R-Amarillo)
  • U.S. Rep. Michael C. Burgess, MD (R-TX)
9:45 am - True North: Rethinking Physician Wellness
  • Brian Sayers, MD, Chair, Physician Health and Rehabilitation Committee, Travis County Medical Society

10:40 am - Predicting and Inventing a New Era of Health with Augmented Intelligence (AI) 

  • Kyu Rhee, MD, Chief Health Officer, IBM

Reporters, please call or ask for Brent Annear or Marcus Cooper upon arrival. We can help you find the meeting and arrange any interviews you need. 

TMA is the largest state medical society in the nation, representing more than 51,000 physician and medical student members. It is located in Austin and has 110 component county medical societies around the state. TMA’s key objective since 1853 is to improve the health of all Texans.


Brent Annear (512) 370-1381; cell: (512) 656-7320; email: brent.annear[at]texmed[dot]org

Marcus Cooper (512) 370-1382; cell: (512) 650-5336; email: marcus.cooper[at]texmed[dot]org

Connect with TMA on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.


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Last Updated On

September 28, 2018

Originally Published On

September 25, 2018