American College of Cardiology, Texas Chapter
Delegate: Stanley Wang, MD
Alternate Delegate: Vacant
American College of Surgeons (North and South TX Chapters)
Delegate: Vacant
Alternate Delegate: Vacant
Texas Academy of Family Physicians
Delegate: Troy T. Fiesinger, MD
Alternate Delegate: Li-Yu H. Mitchell, MD
Texas Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Society
Delegate: Louise H. Bethea, MD
Alternate Delegate: Paul G. Vigo, MD
Texas Association of Neurological Surgeons
Delegate: Ramsey Ashour, MD
Alternate Delegate: Sabih Effendi, MD
Texas Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
Delegate: John Thoppil, MD
Alternate Delegate: Kimberly A. Pilkinton, MD
Texas Association of Otolaryngology
Delegate: Jeffery B. Kahn, MD
Alternate Delegate: Bradford W. Holland, MD
Texas Association of Physicians in Nuclear Medicine
Alternate Delegate: Steven Hays, MD
Texas Chapter of the American College of Physicians
Delegate: Amy LaViolette, MD
Alternate Delegate: Andrew Widmer, MD
Texas College of Emergency Physicians
Delegate: Heidi Knowles, MD
Alternate Delegate: Joseph Martin, MD
Texas Dermatological Society
Delegate: Ryan Hick, MD
Alternate Delegate: Michael Graves, MD
Texas Geriatrics Society
Delegate: Vacant
Alternate Delegate: Vacant
Texas Neurological Society
Delegate: Yessar Hussain, MD, PhD
Alternate Delgate: Vacant
Texas Ophthalmological Association
Delegate: Jack W. Pierce, MD
Alternate Delegate: Vacant
Texas Orthopaedic Association
Delegate: Adam Bruggeman, MD
Alternate Delegate: Robert Wolf, MD
Texas Pain Society
Delegate: Allen Dennis, MD
Alternate Delegate: Maxim Eckmann, MD
Texas Pediatric Society
Delegate: Valerie Borum Smith, MD
Alternate Delegate: Angela N. Moemeka, MD
Texas Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Society
Delegate: Kristin Wong, MD
Alternate Delegate: Jason Marchetti, MD
Texas Radiological Society
Delegate: Tilden Childs, MD
Alternate Delegate: Sarah Avery, MD
Texas Society for Gastroenterology and Endoscopy
Delegate: Pradeep M. Kumar, MD
Alternate Delegate: Vacant
Texas Society of Anesthesiologists
Delegate: Stacy Norrell, MD
Alternate Delegate: Elizabeth Rebello, MD
Texas Society of Clinical Oncology
Delegate: Gary Gross, MD
Alternate Delegate: Debra Pratt, MD
Texas Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons
Delegate: Vacant
Alternate Delegate: Vacant
Texas Society of Pathologists
Delegate: Allen Flack, MD
Alternate Delegate: Megan Kressin, MD
Texas Society of Plastic Surgeons
Delegate: Susan Pike, MD
Alternate Delegate: Thornwell Parker, III, MD
Texas Society of Psychiatric Physicians
Delegate: Richard L. Noel, MD
Alternate Delegate: J. Clay Sawyer, MD
Texas Thoracic Society
Delegate: Vacant
Alternate Delegate: Vacant
Texas Urological Society
Delegate: Sandeep Mistry, MD
Alternate Delegate: