House of Delegates Participation

The policy-making body of the Texas Medical Association is its House of Delegates. Membership in the house consists of county society delegates and voting ex officio members. There are approximately 500 voting members of the house. The House of Delegates Annual Session takes place in conjunction with TexMed in the spring of each year and can meet in special session if called by the TMA president or by petition of at least 30 delegates.

Article V, Section 2 of  the TMA Constitution explains that House of Delegates membership shall consist of:

(1) Delegates representing county medical societies, elected in accordance with this Constitution and Bylaws; and
(2) Ex officio members, including 
    (a) The president, president-elect, immediate past president, secretary/treasurer, and speaker and vice speaker of the House of 
    (b) Councilors;
    (c) Nine members elected at large to the Board of Trustees plus the resident and student members of the board.
    (d) Texas delegates and alternate delegates to the American Medical Association; 
    (e) Chairs of standing councils and members of the Council on Legislation;
    (f) Delegates from the International Medical Graduate Section, Resident and Fellow Section and Young Physician Section;
    (g) Delegates representing the Medical Student Section from each approved and active Medical Student Section Chapter;
    (h) Delegates of medical specialty societies selected in accordance with this Constitution and Bylaws;
    (i) Past presidents of the association who are active or emeritus members; and
    (j) As nonvoting members, the chair of TEXPAC and delegates emeritus of the AMA delegation.
Becoming a Delegate
Members can get involved in the TMA House of Delegates by contacting their county medical society, specialty society, or section:

Last Updated On

October 31, 2017

Originally Published On

November 16, 2016