TMA's Healthy Vision of the Future


TMA outlines its strategic roadmap for state and federal advocacy initiatives for the remainder of the decade in Healthy Vision 2020, a comprehensive plan for improving health care and maintaining the viability of physicians’ practices in Texas.

Texas Medicine is publishing all eight chapters of the plan, starting with the July issue 

Based entirely on existing TMA policy, Healthy Vision 2020 was reviewed and improved by TMA's policy councils and the TMA Board of Trustees before it was presented to the TMA House of Delegates at TexMed 2012 in Dallas in May.    

Healthy Vision makes eight key recommendations. They are: 

  • Ensure an adequate health care workforce; 
  • Protect physicians' independent medical judgment; 
  • Promote efficient and effective new models of care; 
  • Repeal harmful and onerous state and federal regulations; 
  • Invest in prevention; 
  • Protect and promote a fair civil justice system; 
  • Provide appropriate state and federal funding for physician services; and 
  • Establish fair and transparent insurance markets for patients, employers, taxpayers, and physicians. 

TMA member physicians can read and comment on the plan on the TMA website. You may also order a printed copy from the TMA Knowledge Center by calling (800) 880-7955 or emailing TMA Knowledge Center. 

Action, July 2, 2012

Last Updated On

June 06, 2016

Originally Published On

June 26, 2012

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