If you need information on the topics listed below, dial (800) 880-1300 and ask for the extension listed or dial (512) 370- plus the four-digit extension. For information on topics not listed, call TMA's main number (800) 880-1300 or (512) 370-1300.
Texas Medical Association
401 West 15th Street
Austin, Texas 78701
(512) 370-1300
(800) 880-1300
- 50-Year Club: 1602
- Accreditation (Joint Commission - formerly JCAHO): 1400
- Advertising: 1393, 1423
- Aging/Long Term Care: 1422
- Annual Meeting (TexMed): 1550
- Association Management Service: 1520
- Auto Leasing: 1550
- Awards
- AMA Awards: 1345
Anson Jones MD Award (media): 1470
Distinguished Service Award: 1341
Butler Science Teaching Awards: 1606
TMAF Champion of Health Award: 1666
- Billing and Collections: 1389, 1407, 1416
- Billing Consulting: 1417
- Billing Seminars: 1550
- Board of Councilors: 1341
- Board of Trustees: 1303
- Border Health Caucus: 1352
- Business/Practice Financing: 1550
- (CHIP) Children's Health Insurance Program: 1401
- Claims Filing Seminars: 1550
- Claims Payment: 1389, 1407, 1416
- Claims Consulting: 1417
- Claims Filing Seminars: 1550
- CLIA: 1422
- Coding Assistance: 1389, 1407, 1416
- Coding Consulting: 1417
- Coding Seminars: 1550
- Collection Agency: 1550
- Communications: 1380
- Computer Supplies: 1550
- Conference/Meeting Management: 1454
TexMed (Annual Meeting): 1454
TMA Fall Conference: 1454
TMA Winter Conference: 1454
- Constitution and Bylaws: 1454
- County Medical Societies: 1341
- Medical Staff: 1401
- TMA: 1304
- Consulting Services: 1418
- Billing and Collections, Coding/Documentation, Embezzlement Risk Review, EMR Selection Assessment, Management and Staff Recruiting, Mystery Shopping, On-Site Training, and Operations: 1418
- Continuing Medical Education: 1446
Annual Meeting Programming: 1453
CME Opportunities: 1550
Course Locator Service: 1550
Joint Sponsorship: 1447
Request for Tanscript: 1550
- Councils and Committees: 1303
- Credentialing: 1550
- Discounts: 1550
Computer Discounts From Dell: 1550
Magazine Subscriptions: 1550
Office Supplies: 1550
- DNR Forms/Bracelets Order Line (Out-of-Hospital DNR): 1550
- Equipment Leasing: 1550
- Ethics: 1550
- EVPGram: 1308
- Executive Vice President: 1301
- Exhibits: 1393
- Fall Conference: 1550
- Fee Schedules: 1422
- Financial/Investment Services: 1550
- First Tuesdays at the Capitol: 1329
- Gold MasterCard/Platinum Card: 1550
- Governmental/Regulatory Affairs: 1401
- Hard Hats for Little Heads: 1382
- Hassle Factor Log: 1414
- Health Careers: 1403, 1375
- Health Information Technology: 1448
Seminars: 1354
- HeartCare Partnership: 1461
- HIPAA Compliance: 1550
- History of Medicine: 1550
- House of Delegates: 1304
- Immunization: 1670
- Informed Consent: 1550
- Insurance: 1389, 1407, 1416
- Claims Payment: 1389, 1407, 1416
- Coding Assistance: 1389, 1407, 1414
- International Medical Graduate Section: 1550
- Jurisprudence and Study Guide : 1550
- Legal: 1550
- Legislative Representation: 1353
- Librarian: 1548
- Document Delivery; Electronic Databases; Journal, Books, and Other Materials; Reference Services: 1548
- Licensure Requirements: 1550
- Live & Then Give (organ donation) : 1512
- Living Wills, Directive to Physicians: 1550
- Medical Student/Resident Physician Loans: 1604, (800) 880-2828
- Managed Care: 1389
- Capitation Issues: 1422
- Media and Public Relations: 1380, 1381, 1382
- Medicaid Claims: 1407, 1416
- Medicaid Policy: 1401
- Medical Economics: 1317
- Medical Education: 1375
- Medical Liability: 1335
- Medical Power of Attorney: 1550
- Medical Records: 1550
- Medical Socioeconomics: 1317
- Medical Student Section: 1402
- Medical Supplies: 1550
- Medicare: 1389, 1407, 1416
- Membership: 1550
- Mini-Consulations: 1416
- Mortgage Services: 1550
- News Media Inquiries: 1381, 1382, 1380
- Officer Services: 1308
- Peer Review: 1400
- Physician Health and Wellness: 1608
- Physicians Benevolent Fund: 1602
- Practice Management Consulting: 1418
- Publications: 1550
- Seminars: 1550
- Prescription Laws: 1550
- President, TMA: 1308
- Professional Liability:
Carriers: 1550
Claims Data: 1422
- Public Health Policy: 1462, 1670
- Quality Improvement/Outcomes Measurements: 1400
- RBRVS (Resource-Based Relative Value System): 1422
- Regulatory Hassles: 1407, 1415, 1416
- Resident and Fellow Section: 1443
- Retirement (legal aspects): 1550
- Rural Health: 1550
- Scholarships: 1376, 1401, 1606
Minority Student: 1606
- Seminars: 1550
- Texas Academy of Internal Medicine: 1528
Preceptorship Program: 1523
- Texas Academy of Physician Assistants: 1520
- Texas Association of Physicians in Nuclear Medicine: 1525
- Texas Delegation to the AMA: 1304
- Texas Dermatological Society: 1527
- Texas Geriatrics Society: 1525
- Texas Medical Association Insurance: 1776, (800) 880-8181
- Texas Medical Group Management Association: 1529
- Texas Medical Liability Trust: (800) 580-TMLT
- Texas Medicine:
Advertising: 1393
Editorial: 1385
Subscriptions: 1550
- Texas Medicine Today: 1385
- Texas Neurological Society: 1527
- Texas Radiological Society: 1535
- Texas Society for Gastroenterology and Endoscopy: 1522
- Texas Society of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: 1521
- Texas Society of Medical Assistants: 1525
- Texas Society of Medical Oncology: 1527
- Texas Society of Pathologists: 1526
- Texas Society of Plastic Surgeons: 1529
- Texas Transplantation Society: 1512
- Texas Urological Society: 1526
- TexMed (annual meeting): 1550
Exhibits: 1393
Scientific Programming: 1453
- TEXPAC: 1362
Marketing and Fund-Raising: 1364
Membership: 1331
- TMA Foundation: 1664
Champion of Health Award: 1664
Corporate Gifts and Benefit: 1466
Executive Director: 1666
Individual Gifts: 1665
Medical Community Grant Program: 1664
- TMA Job Bank: 1550
- TMA Knowledge Center: 1550, (800) 880-7955
- TMA Practice Consulting: 1418, (800) 523-8776
- Travel Programs: 1550
- VISA/MasterCard Patient Payment Service: 1420
- Walk With a Doc: 1390
- Web Site: 1424
- Winter Conference: 1550
- Workers' Compensation: 1409, 1416
Designated Doctor/Impairment Rating Training: 1421
- Workforce: 1375
- Young Physician Section: 1443
Toll-Free Numbers
TMA Main Number: (800) 880-1300
Email: info[at]texmed[dot]org
Impaired Physicians: (800) 880-1640
Student Loans: (800) 880-2828
Texas Medical Liability Trust: (800) 580-8658
TMA Insurance Trust: (800) 880-8181
TMA Knowledge Center: (800) 880-7955
TMA Practice Consulting: (800) 523-8776
Email: physician[dot]services[at]texmed[dot]org
Texas Medical Board: (800) 248-4062:
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services: (877) 267-2323
Texas Medicaid & Healthcare Partnership Medicaid Provider Number: (800) 925-9126
Novitas-Solutions 1-855-252-8782
Texas Department of State Health Services: (888) 963-7111
Texas Department of Insurance: (800) 578-4677
Texas Department of Public Safety: (512) 424-2000
Controlled Substances Registration: (512) 424-2188
Drug Enforcement Administration: (214) 366-6900
Dallas .............: (214) 366-6900
Houston ...........: (713) 693-3000
San Antonio .....: (210) 442-5600
Official Prescription Program: (512) 424-2189
Triplicate Prescription Forms: (512) 424-2189
Texas Medical Board: (512) 305-7010
Texas Department of Insurance Workers' Compensation: (512) 804-4000
Tricare West Region: 844-866-WEST (844-866-9378)
Tricare East Region: 800-444-5445