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TMA Calendar of Meetings - 02/06/2025

Mark your calendar for the latest TMA medical meetings and seminars.

Calendar of Events - 02/06/2025

View a calendar of upcoming events for the Texas Medical Association.

Straight Shooter: Incoming TMA President Ray Callas, MD, Aims for Practice Protections, Membership Gains - 01/06/2025

Incoming Texas Medical Association President Ray Callas, MD, an anesthesiologist from Beaumont, cites as his top priorities preventing scope-of-practice creep, defending physician autonomy, and bolstering the TMA's membership.

I Never Knew TMA: Hosted Regional Conferences and Events - 12/30/2024

The Texas Medical Association hosts multiple events that are opportunities to network with physician leaders, explore CME tracks, and enjoy keynote presentations.

Impact of TMA’s Legislative Wins for Practices Addressed at Business of Medicine - 11/18/2024

Rounding out a weekend of business meetings and educational sessions aimed at navigating modern health care challenges, the Texas Medical Association’s inaugural Business of Medicine conference concluded with the tradition of an update of medicine’s hard-fought wins during the legislative session and what those wins mean for the practice of medicine.

Seeing ‘the Joy in Medicine’: Panel Explores Business of Medicine Shifts, Balance - 10/15/2024

Professional autonomy and work-life integration remain top of mind for Texas physicians amid an evolving health care consumer market and technological landscape.

TMA Panel Provides Insight into Personal Finances at All Career Stages - 10/15/2024

Physicians today need information on managing personal finances, such as how to handle student loan debt, plan for retirement, and make informed investment decisions. To help members learn how to navigate those challenges and more with practical and tangible advice, the Texas Medical Association hosted the panel “Ask the Expert: The Business of Personal Finance” on Oct. 12 at its Business of Medicine Conference in San Antonio.

Business of Medicine Conference Bolsters Physicians in Turbulent Market - 08/23/2024

Taxes, staffing, personal finances, long-term business planning. Physician practices face no shortage of economic and logistical challenges outside the exam room. To help members navigate those problems with practical, tangible advice, the Texas Medical Association is once again hosting its Business of Medicine Conference, Oct. 10-12 in San Antonio.

Meeting High Standards: Reinvigorated Approach to Events Drives Association Growth - 07/10/2024

TMA’s reinvigorated approach to events drives association growth

Committee on Independent Physician Practice Announces Members - 06/21/2024

After recognizing the dire needs of private practice physicians, Texas Medical Association leaders have appointed the members of its inaugural Committee on Independent Physician Practice with broad representation.

TMA Presses Congress to Preserve Independent Practice Viability - 06/13/2024

Administrative hassle, cyberattacks, and other threats to physician practice viability have caught the attention of federal lawmakers, with the Texas Medical Association weighing in heavily on the attendant impacts on physician practices following a May 23 hearing, “The Collapse of Private Practice: Examining the Challenges Facing Independent Medicine.”

TMA House Prioritizes Noncompetes, Physician Payment Reform - 05/13/2024

The TMA House of Delegates adopted several policies intended to alleviate economic pressure on physician practices. Those include directing the association to advocate for more statutory limitations on noncompete agreements in employment contracts and protections from health plans’ problematic payment policies. Read more.

RSVP For TMA Sections Business and Networking at TexMed - 04/22/2024

Prepare for TexMed 2024, the Texas Medical Association’s largest annual meeting, by RSVPing for section activities by April 26 and reviewing resolutions for sections to discuss.

TMA Moment in Time: SGR Repeal - 04/09/2024

The historic victory has roots in TMA advocacy and may provide a playbook for future Medicare reform.

Fix Medicare Now: 2024 Fee Schedule Solidifies Cut, Heightens Calls for Reform - 03/05/2024

This latest cut stems from the 2024 Medicare physician fee schedule and Congressional inaction, both of which further erode physician payment, practice viability, and patient access to care.

Medicine’s MIPS Win: 2024 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Stabilizes Program - 03/05/2024

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services yielded to the Texas Medical Association’s concerns about its proposal and the impact of constant changes to MIPS on its participants.

“You’re a Leader:” Physician Panel Finds Leadership Commonalities Across Generations - 01/31/2024

For many Texas physicians, mentorship is a two-way street, with both parties – mentor and mentee – learning from each other, regardless of their ages or the lengths of their curriculum vitae.

New Leadership Summit Heeds Physicians’ Calls for Career Training - 12/10/2023

Physicians are more than doctors; they are leaders for their practices, communities, and peers. Answering the call from members to cultivate the skills needed for such roles, the Texas Medical Association will host a Leadership Summit – formerly Winter Conference – Jan. 25-27 at the Hyatt Regency in Austin.

“We Can Compete:” Direct Payment Models Present Opportunity for Independent Practices - 10/13/2023

Rising health care costs. Declining outcomes. Restricted patient access to care. Rampant consolidation. Incessant physician payment cuts. Excessive prior authorization. Creeping scope-of-practice attacks.

AMA Launches National Study of Physician Practice Expenses - 10/11/2023

With the backing of the Texas Medical Association and 172 other health care organizations, the American Medical Association recently launched a survey of U.S. physicians to better understand practice expenses and to support its advocacy for physician payment reform.

Physicians Prepared for Market, Regulatory Changes at Business of Medicine Conference - 10/10/2023

Over 600 attendees at last weekend’s inaugural Business of Medicine Conference enjoyed a cohesive agenda and focused CME to help physicians untangle issues in health care delivery, insurance, and technology. The timely education was coupled with fresh opportunities to connect with colleagues. "We learned a lot. And there were a ton of TMA benefits we didn't realize."

Business of Medicine Conference Offers More – And More Practical – Educational Programming - 08/31/2023

With an eye toward equipping physicians to navigate the modern medical practice landscape, the Texas Medical Association’s inaugural Business of Medicine conference in October offers more than triple the amount of educational content compared with last year’s counterpart, Fall Conference.

Business of Medicine Conference Maximizes Practical Education – And Physician Connections - 08/14/2023

To navigate a complicated medical landscape with increasing challenges, the Texas Medical Association will host its first Business of Medicine Conference – formerly Fall Conference – Oct. 5-7, at the Hyatt Lost Pines Resort in Bastrop.

TMA Fights Another “Devastating” Medicare Physician Pay Cut Threat - 08/04/2023

Despite medicine’s calls for comprehensive reform, the recently proposed 2024 Medicare physician fee schedule would continue the worrying trends of deepening physician pay cuts and increased risk associated with the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System.

Congress Weighs Medicare Payment Reform During Health Care Consolidation Hearings - 07/25/2023

Federal lawmakers in both chambers recently took up the issue of increasing consolidation – and, with it, decreasing competition – in the health care industry. Surfaced as possible solutions were several of the Texas Medical Association’s legislative priorities, including Medicare physician payment reform.