Employed physicians

Enjoying Employment: Texas Physicians Trend Away from Independent Practice - 08/14/2024

As the share of Texas physicians trend away from independent practice, TMA members spell out the benefits of employment.

Record Number of Doctors Arriving to Care for Texas Patients - 06/20/2024

For every Texan seeking medical care, a record – and increasing – number of physicians is available to respond. Texas’ physician workforce is growing at a record pace, according to new data. For the first time in three decades, the ratio of patient-care physicians for every 100,000 people has increased for 10 straight years (2009-2019).

Study: Non-Physician Practice Ownership Hurts Care Quality - 01/03/2024

As the Texas Medical Association continues to fight for physician autonomy amid increasing consolidation, new research shows the downsides of hospital- and corporate-owned practice settings for patients and physicians alike.

Judgment Calls: Court Victory Highlights Importance of Corporate Practice of Medicine Laws - 06/07/2023

Hospital Internists of Texas was pitted against a multibillion-dollar company in a corporate practice of medicine lawsuit. At the trial court level, a Travis County district court jury awarded the Austin medical practice more than $10.2 million.

Employers: Exhibit at TMA’s Next Virtual Career Fair - 04/05/2022

If you’re looking for the next invaluable member of your health care team, the Texas Medical Association offers opportunities for health care organizations to recruit physician and medical staff talent at its Virtual Career Fairs. The next Virtual Career Fair is on April 28, and spots are open for employers to exhibit.  

Nail Your Virtual Job Interview, With TMA’s Help - 09/18/2020

Job interviews can be stressful and uncomfortable, but the recent shift to virtual interviews because of COVID-19 adds an entirely new layer of awkwardness. If you’re looking for tips on how to stand out virtually, check out a new Texas Medical Association webinar, How to Ace a Virtual Interview.

Be Vigilant - Hospital Medical Staff Bylaws and You - 09/16/2020

To bolster an argument that bylaws are binding on physicians, medical staff, and a hospital, the Texas Medical Association Office of the General Counsel has crafted language that could improve the binding effect of your hospital’s bylaws.

7 Things You Must Know Before Signing an Employment Contract - 07/02/2019

A good contract by definition is one that is fair and reasonable and is a win-win situation for everyone involved. But how do physicians ensure they are getting a good contract before agreeing to work for a hospital or group practice?

Each Physician Generates $2.4 Million For Hospitals, Survey Shows - 02/28/2019

According to a survey released this week, a physician generates an average of almost $2.4 million per year in net revenue on behalf of his or her affiliated hospitals. That’s an increase of almost 52 percent from 2016 figures, according to the  2019 Physician Inpatient/Outpatient Revenue Survey .

Physician Employment Continues to Grow, Survey Shows - 02/21/2019

According to a survey released this week, hospitals and health systems acquired 8,000 medical practices nationwide between July 2016 and January 2018. Also during those 18 months, 14,000 physicians left private practice for employment arrangements with hospitals, the numbers show.