What's Your Issue?

Who makes TMA policy? You do! The association is governed by a 500-member House of Delegates, the legislative and policymaking body. Membership in the house consists of county medical society delegates and voting ex officio members. Reporting to the house are TMA boards, councils, committees, sections, and the Texas Delegation to the AMA.

Every spring, the House of Delegates meets to consider policy recommendations from the TMA membership. With the help of their county and specialty medical societies and sections, members may submit resolutions on important topics in medicine that existing TMA policy does not address. Read more about submitting a resolution.

The TMA House of Delegates wants to ensure every TMA member’s voice is heard. To submit an interest or concern at any time, year-round, simply fill out the form below. 

The speakers of the House of Delegates will confirm receipt of your submission and follow up with options for addressing your inquiry. 

Contact Information
County Medical Society  
Email Address   
Phone Number

Issue(s) of Concern or Interest

Brief Description of Recommended Action(s) TMA Should Take
Examples of possible actions include: writing a letter to another group; asking the TMA Board of Trustees or some other TMA body to take action; publicizing an issue through electronic communications; pursuing legislative or regulatory change; developing TMA policy; taking an issue to the TMA House of Delegates or the American Medical Association; performing community outreach; or simply raising the item for discussion at a future TMA meeting.

TMA Policy Supporting Your Action Request
TMA policy can be found in the online TMA Policy Compendium.

Click the button below to submit the form. You will receive a response within 10 business days. For any questions, contact Brad Burnett

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