It Takes a Village: TMA Works Arm in Arm with Other Organizations

TMA’s relationships with a diverse set of key organizations enables TMA to provide comprehensive services in more innovative ways that it could on its own.

County Medical Societies are the cornerstone to TMA’s strong grassroots connection to the practicing physician. 

TMA Alliance members work in partnership with TMA to further TMA’s mission, vision, and goals. 

TEXPAC, one Texas’ oldest and largest bipartisan political action committees, supports state and federal candidates who are dedicated to improving health care policy. 

Both TMA Insurance Trust and the Texas Medical Liability Trust (TMLT) offer members valuable insurance, financial, and liability insurance products and contribute substantially to TMA’s physician advocacy, leadership and educational programs.

The TMA Foundation helps fulfill TMA’s mission to improve the health of all Texans by funding public health programs throughout the state.

Last Updated On

September 13, 2024

Originally Published On

October 03, 2010