Resolution 108: Resident and Fellow Representation on TMA Board of Trustees


Resolution 108 (A-06)
Subject: Resident and Fellow Representation on Texas Medical Association Board of Trustees
Introduced by: Resident and Fellow Section
Referred to: Reference Committee on Financial and Organizational Affairs

Whereas, Residents and fellows represent the next generation of physician leadership within the profession and organized medicine; and

Whereas, The Resident and Fellow Section serves as a communication tool for Texas residents and fellows whereby they can participate in the Texas Medical Association and American Medical Association policy-making process; and

Whereas, Residents and fellows have a unique perspective on issues affecting medical practice, medical education and funding, and medical legislative issues; and

Whereas, A resident or fellow representative is allowed to serve on the Board of Councilors, councils, committees, and the TEXPAC Board of Directors; and

Whereas, There is a resident and fellow representative on the American Medical Association Board of Trustees who per AMA Bylaws has all of the rights of any other member of the board; and

Whereas, TMA Board of Trustees Report 13-A-05, approved at TexMed 2005, provides for a medical student member of the TMA Board of Trustees; and

Whereas, According to TMA membership data, members of the Resident and Fellow Section compose almost 10 percent of TMA members; and

Whereas, Greater involvement of resident and fellow members is necessary to ensure mentorship and training of the subsequent generation of TMA leadership; therefore be it

RESOLVED, That the Texas Medical Association establish a permanent, one-year, at-large position on its Board of Trustees for a resident or fellow member.




TMA House of Delegates: TexMed 2006

Last Updated On

July 06, 2010

Originally Published On

March 23, 2010